Rising prices for post-consumer resin also bring a greater incentive for shady suppliers to cheat. A U.K. nonprofit is commercializing a technology that will detect lies about recycled plastic use.
Rising prices for post-consumer resin also bring a greater incentive for shady suppliers to cheat. A U.K. nonprofit is commercializing a technology that will detect lies about recycled plastic use.
Using recycled plastic is good business for Advanced Drainage Systems, but recent reports and interviews make clear that it’s not always painless.
February has brought substantial price increases for curbside PET and PP, with both up by double-digit percentages.
CMA CGM Group, the third-largest ocean shipping company in the world, announced it will no longer carry post-use plastics on its ships as of June 1.
To meet growing demand, PET reclaimer Evergreen recently bought a pair of facilities and added another extruder to an expansion project.
West Coast lawmakers plan to introduce a national container deposit bill that one advocate says has a better chance of passing than past proposals because of wide “industry engagement.”
LyondellBasell and ExxonMobil were among the companies that signed an agreement to advance chemical recycling for household plastic scrap in Houston.
RPET capacity is expanding in North America, with two companies announcing new facilities or machinery that will add up to 110 million pounds of RPET to the market.
Avangard Innovative has become one of the first examples of a large mechanical recycling company embracing chemical recycling technologies.
Plastics reclaimer PlastiCycle will double its capacity and invest in a wash line as part of a $6 million expansion project.