Prime plastic developments have occurred in the past two weeks, and they carry the potential to impact recycled resin prices.
Prime plastic developments have occurred in the past two weeks, and they carry the potential to impact recycled resin prices.
Li Ganjie, China’s minister of environmental protection
China’s top environmental official has quantified the reduction in scrap materials flowing into the country as a result of recent restrictions. He also spoke publicly about the market fallout and the criticism China has received for enacting its reforms.
Last year presented an upheaval in the global recovered plastics market, and the impacts continue to roll in. Three experts recently shared their thoughts on the specific causes of the volatility.
Officials in China have announced an enforcement campaign to implement the country’s new import restrictions.
Chinese recycling executives see a promising outlook for Asian companies looking to invest in the U.S. as a result of China’s import restrictions.
Composite decking manufacturer Trex saw significant boosts in sales last year, in part due to China’s impacts on recovered PE markets.
This year’s Plastics Recycling Conference drew a record number of attendees – more than 1,900 – for three days of discussions, networking and deal-making. Our on-site photographer captured the action.
Two recently released reports provide snapshots of film and non-bottle rigid plastics recycling. The material types have seen collection gains but processing challenges.
During a plenary session at the Plastics Recycling Conference last week, major exporters opened up about alternative markets, quality improvements, and operational and contractual changes they’ve made in response to China’s import restrictions.
Following the price hikes in March and April, the market in China for recovered plastic material has declined since the second half of May both in pricing and demand.