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Author Archives: Marissa Heffernan

About Marissa Heffernan

Marissa HeffernanMarissa Heffernan started working for Resource Recycling in January 2022 after spending several years as a reporter at a daily newspaper in Southwest Washington. She can be contacted at [email protected].

High-tech mechanical recycling facilities come to Europe

Published: April 13, 2022

Viridor/AMUT facility interior.

U.K.-based Viridor used AMUT technology in its new polymer recycling facility. | Courtesy of AMUT

Two large, new facilities in Europe will be able to process a combined total of over 200,000 tons of plastic scrap using high-tech equipment. The following are more details on the PreZero and Viridor facilities.

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Why EPR for packaging failed in Washington state

Published: March 30, 2022

Graphic showing cogs of rules, regulations, compliance, standards and policies.

Extended producer responsibility proposals have been discussed in several states in 2022. | EtiAmmos/Shutterstock

A Washington state zero waste group was engaging in “intense negotiations” on an extended producer responsibility bill this year, but the legislation stalled anyway. One advocate said she’s now looking at other states to help inspire next steps.

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Indorama to invest $8 billion in chemical recycling and more

Published: March 30, 2022

Indorama company building in Jarkarta, Indonesia.

Over the next several years Indorama will invest over $8 billion in chemical recycling and bio-derived plastics. | CAHYADI SUGI/Shutterstock

Chasing its sustainability goals, global PET producer Indorama is going to spend $8 billion over the next eight years to help scale up chemically recycled and bio-based plastics.

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GDB increases PCR production to 80 million pounds annually

Published: March 23, 2022

baled plastic films

GDB in installing additional post-consumer resin processing lines, which will give the company a total production capacity of 80 million pounds per year. | PhilipR/Shutterstock

GDB International is expanding its film recycling capabilities and plans to add more collection points nationwide, betting on increased demand for post-consumer LDPE, LLDPE and HDPE.

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Study: Modernized bottle bills boost redemption, save money

Published: March 23, 2022

Bottle return at a reverse vending machine.

A study found that modernizing bottle bills in five Northeast states could create up to $160 million in savings to local governments and add up to $1.4 billion to the region’s economy annually. | Pazargic Liviu/Shutterstock

By updating older deposit return systems, states can create jobs, increase municipal savings and boost recycling rates, according to research from nonprofit Reloop North America.
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APR elects 2022 board of directors

Published: March 23, 2022

Roxanne Spiekerman of PreZero US

Roxanne Spiekerman of PreZero US was elected APR board chair for the upcoming year. | Plastics Recycling Conference/Brian Adams Photo

The Association of Plastic Recyclers has chosen its executive committee and board of directors for the coming year.

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