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Tag Archives: research

Process employs lasers to separate e-scrap materials

Published: May 14, 2020


The research project focused on recovering cobalt, tantalum, neodymium, tungsten and gallium, materials that were chosen due to their relative scarcity and cost. | Courtesy of the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology.

A four-year research project has developed an automated system that uses lasers to identify and remove components while dismantling electronics.

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Global group: E-scrap facility fires are on the rise

Published: June 4, 2020

Fire alarm on a wall.

A recent study found thermal events occurring at all stages of the WEEE collection and processing chain. | nongningstudio/Shutterstock

A new report notes more and more fires are breaking out in electronics collection and processing facilities around the world, and experts say damaged batteries are typically the culprit.

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Firms share the CO2 benefits of reuse

Published: May 14, 2020


A recent report suggests that moves toward refurbishment and reuse in the data center sector could reduce greenhouse gas impacts by as much as 24% or more. | Maximumm/Shutterstock

ITAD service providers are increasingly communicating the carbon impact of refurbishing electronics, recent announcements indicate.

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Cascade: Mobile resale prices surge, computer values drop

Published: January 30, 2020


Cascade’s annual report includes data the company collected on the 560,000 assets it processed in 2018 and 2019. | fizkes/Shutterstock

Resale values for used computers declined in 2019 after multiple years of increases, according to an ITAD firm. One possible culprit is generators opting for device destruction over data wiping.

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Researchers explore PCB flame retardant removal

Published: January 23, 2020


Printed circuit boards are made of roughly 30% metal and 70% nonmetals. | Sebastian_Photography/Shutterstock

Scientists who set their sights on potentially hazardous chemicals in scrap electronics say they can effectively break down the flame retardants in shredded circuit boards.

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Business demand spurs rise in PC sales

Published: January 16, 2020


Gartner reported that businesses upgrading to Windows 10 played into strong demand last year. | People Image Studio/Shutterstock

Global PC purchases increased in 2019, reversing a years-long downward trend. The growth was driven primarily by sales to the business sector

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US e-scrap recycling rate declines

Published: November 22, 2019

computers for recycling

The U.S. recycling rate for consumer electronics has been trending downward since 2014.

The U.S. recycling rate for consumer electronics took a dive in 2016 and flatlined the following year, according to the U.S. EPA.

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