A recent government approval is expected to bring Iron Mountain, which is already a giant in the world of data storage and destruction, further into the IT asset disposition business.
A recent government approval is expected to bring Iron Mountain, which is already a giant in the world of data storage and destruction, further into the IT asset disposition business.
A plasma e-scrap furnace malfunction at an Arkansas smelting operation two years ago has spurred a $10.5 million insurance lawsuit against an equipment manufacturer that provided certain components.
A Midwest e-scrap processor has expanded into a larger facility based on recent growth, particularly on the reuse side of the business.
Two electronics recycling companies recently ended disputes with California regulators that centered on the handling of metal-laden dust from e-scrap shredders. The situation raises debate about what material should be labeled hazardous.
Larry Reaugh, American Manganese
Marc Artozqui, Kuusakoski
Kuusakoski Recycling has installed a new CEO to run its U.S. business as the company evaluates its operations and the evolving e-scrap marketplace.
A Colorado-based nonprofit electronics recycling organization is working to spread its operational model around the country, and it recently received a grant to help.
The parent of Regency Technologies is consolidating two northern Ohio facilities into a massive new location that’s under construction near Cleveland.
A group of Taiwanese developers has unveiled a recycling system to recover glass, indium and liquid crystal from LCD screens.