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Tag Archives: metals

Startup nears commercial scale with PCB technology

Published: April 16, 2020


EnviroLeach has been developing a non-toxic hydrometallurgical metals leaching method for several years. | Courtesy of Enviroleach.

Circuit board processor EnviroLeach is gearing up to bring its Canadian facility to commercial-scale capacity in the next two months. The company recently raised significant capital to help in that effort.

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One state moves toward mandating solar panel recycling

Published: March 5, 2020


The recently introduced legislation covers solar panels in residential, commercial and industrial use. | Heinz Trebuth/Shutterstock

Legislation in Arizona would establish recycling requirements for end-of-life solar panels, requiring manufacturers to create a recycling program or face a per-panel fee at point-of-sale.

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Favorable market conditions drive smelter profits

Published: February 13, 2020

Printed circuit boards for recycling.

Umicore noted China’s restrictions on scrap material imports helped ensure an ample supply of scrap PCBs. | Iryna Imago/Shutterstock

Umicore enjoyed greater profits last year thanks in part to higher metals prices and China’s e-scrap imports crackdown, which increased the global supply of circuit board scrap.

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Experts react to China’s updated metals specs

Published: January 30, 2020


China’s imports of some categories of non-ferrous metals, including copper, have gone down because of import quotas. | Andrew b Stowe/Shutterstock

Reports from the Bureau of International Recycling shine a light on non-ferrous scrap metal markets as we enter the new year, particularly in China.

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Company advances technology for low-grade PCBs

Published: December 12, 2019


The PCB Scrap Recovery system is designed specifically to process low-grade circuit boards. | Courtesy of PCB Scrap Recovery.

A Mexican engineering firm has developed a printed circuit board processing system marked by low resource use and simplicity. The company recently patented the process and is looking for partners.

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Manager: Acquisition of Simon Metals means growth

Published: October 24, 2019


In Vancouver, Wash., Simon Metals operated a 55,000-square-foot end-of-life electronics processing facility. The facility is now owned by Metro Metals Northwest. | Jared Paben/E-Scrap News

A major Pacific Northwest e-scrap processor has been acquired, and a company manager anticipates the new owners will expand its electronics recycling capabilities.

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NIOSH finds potential problems at e-scrap operation

Published: October 17, 2019


Researchers discovered employees working near an e-scrap shredder had elevated levels of lead in their blood. | Jarun Ontakrai/Shutterstock

This story has been updated.

Testing at a New England e-scrap facility showed that two employees working near a granulator were being overexposed to airborne silver particles.

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