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Tag Archives: markets

Recycling firms seek tariff exclusions

Published: November 15, 2018


U.S. and Chinese currency with a calculator.As part of the Trump administration’s trade war with China, a number of tariffs have been levied on the import of Chinese goods. A handful of recycling companies and one trade group have sought exemptions.

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Leaders weigh in on CRTs and other pressing issues

Published: October 18, 2018

Presenters on stage at the 2018 E-Scrap Conference.

Participating in the E-Scrap Conference’s opening plenary were (from left to right) Tricia Conroy, Corey Dehmey, Dan Leif, Kevin Dillon and Bernie Lee.

Customers understand they need to pay fair prices for proper downstream management of CRTs, ERI’s Kevin Dillon said. But when he quotes 25 to 35 cents a pound to recycle a printer, they look at him like he’s crazy.

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