Credit: WEEE Ireland
An IT asset disposition company has received a high-profile Circulars award from the World Economic Forum. The recognition comes as Apto Solutions prepares to launch a new device-leasing program.
Credit: WEEE Ireland
An IT asset disposition company has received a high-profile Circulars award from the World Economic Forum. The recognition comes as Apto Solutions prepares to launch a new device-leasing program.
Credit: Pekka Niemi/Kuusakoski
Finnish recycling company Kuusakoski has refined its method for processing a key component of MRI machines and is now producing distinct streams of high-grade metals.
Credit: Jamakosy/Shutterstock
A European electronics research consortium celebrated the first Circular Electronics Day this week, an effort to promote reuse and recycling.
Photo credit: WEEE Ireland
If electronics recycling is akin to mining, a recently released data tool provides a sort of geological map for e-scrap companies to follow.
Computer Discounters Inc. has partnered with an Ireland-based reverse logistics and ITAD company to help both businesses bolster asset recovery operations within the U.S.
The Ellen MacArthur Foundation has created a roadmap to guide electronics designers down the path of repair- and recycling-friendly devices.
Sims Recycling Solutions’ consolidation of U.S. e-scrap shredding operations yielded financial benefits and more clearly drew a line between its shredding and reuse activities. That was one takeaway from a recently released annual report.
A European project will release a data platform providing a wealth of information on changes in the end-of-life stream. The particulars can help processors better recover commodities from scrap electronics.
An initiative in Europe will work to overcome obstacles to the closed-loop recycling of plastics from electronics and appliances.
A new report identifies data security concerns as a major barrier to more recycling and claims there is growing interest in electronics take-back programs in the United Kingdom.