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Tag Archives: EPR/Stewardship

California hikes payments for stressed e-scrap companies

Published: May 29, 2020


CalRecycle staff said their recommendation to raise payment rates was based on updated cost data submitted by e-scrap collectors and processors, as well as other factors. | DAMRONG RATTANAPONG/Shutterstock

Citing difficult market conditions and rising costs for the industry, California officials will greatly increase the rates they pay e-scrap firms to collect and recycle electronics.

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OEM group offers emergency funds to UK e-scrap firms

Published: May 7, 2020


The fund will provide nearly $6.2 million in interest-free loans to e-scrap processing facilities and over $740,000 in grants to nonprofit electronics reuse organizations. | science photo/Shutterstock

A producer-backed group in the U.K. is providing interest-free loans and grants to help keep electronics recycling companies in business through the coronavirus pandemic.

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Texas e-scrap program reports device collection results

Published: April 16, 2020


E-scrap programs in Texas have brought in 278.5 million pounds of computers and TVs combined since their inception. | Huguette Roe/Shutterstock

Over 12.5 million pounds of TVs and 6.8 million pounds of computer equipment were collected through Texas state e-scrap programs last year, according to a recent report.

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One state moves toward mandating solar panel recycling

Published: March 5, 2020


The recently introduced legislation covers solar panels in residential, commercial and industrial use. | Heinz Trebuth/Shutterstock

Legislation in Arizona would establish recycling requirements for end-of-life solar panels, requiring manufacturers to create a recycling program or face a per-panel fee at point-of-sale.

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Midwest state looks to improve oversight of e-scrap facilities

Published: January 9, 2020


Wisconsin is considering requiring most e-scrap processing facilities to obtain solid waste processing licenses. | Iryna Imago/Shutterstock

Wisconsin regulators are drafting rules that would require additional electronics recycling processors to set aside money for facility closure and cleanup costs.

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Leaders dive into batteries, OEM relationships and more

Published: September 24, 2019


The 17th annual E-Scrap Conference kicked off Monday at the Hilton Orlando in Florida. | E-Scrap Conference/Brian Adams Photography.

On the opening day of the E-Scrap Conference and Trade Show, a series of workshops brought attendees up to speed on some of the most critical topics in electronics recovery.

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MRM reaches recycling management milestone

Published: September 19, 2019


Electronic Manufacturers Recycling Management Company (MRM) is funded by a variety of manufacturers and oversees collection programs in 20 states. | FreeProd33/Shutterstock

A nationwide organization that oversees state program recycling compliance on behalf of many equipment manufacturers announced it has facilitated the recycling of 1 billion pounds of e-scrap.

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EU seeks to incentivize design-for-recycling

Published: August 15, 2019

E.U. flags in front of the European Commission building.

The EU is working to provide a financial incentive to companies to redesign products to reduce their environmental impacts.| Giannis Papanikos/Shutterstock

The European Union is looking to financially reward OEMs that produce environmentally friendly devices and punish those that don’t. Industry groups are urging caution.

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