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Tag Archives: computers

Telecom giant donates to Compudopt, Human-I-T

Published: November 2, 2022

laptop user

Working with the two laptop distribution nonprofits, AT&T will help provide a total of 26,000 computers to those in need as part of the company’s $2 billion commitment, announced in 2021, to address the digital divide. | GaudiLab/Shutterstock

AT&T recently contributed $10 million and employee time to help nonprofit processors bridge the digital divide. 

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Study shows increase in electronics’ GHG emissions

Published: November 2, 2022

mobile phones

Researchers evaluated 1,003 life cycle reports from various manufacturers to determine the amount of carbon dioxide emissions created during the life span of products. | Maxx-Studio/Shutterstock

To help cut growing greenhouse gas emissions from electronics, researchers are suggesting extending the life spans of devices. 

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DHL launches comprehensive asset management service

Published: October 26, 2022

DHL truck parked on a city street.

DHL’s turnkey service includes a customer portal for easy label printing and return. | Christian Mueller/Shutterstock

International logistics company DHL is leveraging its 1,200 worldwide sites to bring electronics resale, refurbishment and recycling services to the 140 countries it operates in. 

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Computer brand pushes recycled content and repair

Published: September 19, 2022

Lenovo laptop with focus on brand name.

Lenovo uses both post-industrial and post-consumer plastics in laptops, desktops, workstations, monitors and accessories. | Hernan E. Schmidt/Shutterstock

Lenovo is using more recycled materials in its products and working toward a circular economy, even as a recent study from the company found that only half of senior IT business leaders are aware of the economic value of e-scrap.

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Hawaii updates electronics EPR bill

Published: September 15, 2022

Hawaii's state capitol building.

Hawaiian legislators passed an update to the state’s electronics EPR program, making manufacturer recycling targets weight-based instead of calculated by market share. | Jeff Whyte/Shutterstock

Hawaii had to suspend free e-scrap collection in the state earlier this year after the program ran out of funds early, but the state legislature has passed a law to address the problem. 

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Research group licenses method of precious metal recovery

Published: August 25, 2022

Closeup of a printed circuitboard

Researchers have been granted a technology license for a method to recover precious metals from personal computers. | Dario Lo Presti/Shutterstock

A public-private research group established by the United States Department of Energy granted a technology license for a way to use gas-assisted solvents to extract precious metals from used electronics more easily.

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Acid-free tech will make rare earth recycling more feasible

Published: July 21, 2022

Circuit boards gathered for recycling.

An acid-free dissolution method can selectively target rare earths for extraction. | Bokstaz/Shutterstock

A technology that will allow recyclers to extract valuable metals from e-scrap like shredded hard drives without affecting the other materials is entering its pilot plant stage.

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HP shares recycling vendor audits, content goals

Published: June 23, 2022

HP laptop on desk with black background.

HP’s sustainability report notes in 2021 the company used 4,300 tons of recycled metal in its products, which is about 0.4% of its total metal use. | Tran Phan Thanh/Shutterstock

HP used three companies to refurbish and reuse its devices in 2021 and about 40 recyclers, according to its annual report.

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