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Tag Archives: Certification standards

Washington, D.C. program reopens door to R2 firms

Published: April 26, 2023


The Council of the District of Columbia voted unanimously in December to allow OEMs participating in the eCYCLE Program to contract with R2-certified facilities. | JHVE Photo/Shutterstock

The extended producer responsibility program in the nation’s capital will once again allow for the use of R2-certified electronics recycling companies.

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Processor loses certification over exports to Asia

Published: March 22, 2023

Old printers for recycling.

The president of eGreen IT Solutions, Karin Harris, argues that her company should have been alerted after BAN determined it sent a printer to an unapproved immediate downstream processor. | KG Design/Shutterstock

Arizona-based eGreen IT Solutions was stripped of its e-Stewards certification after GPS trackers showed overseas printer shipments. The company says it did not “knowingly” break rules.  Continue Reading

SERI clarifies standard on smart device data sanitization

Published: December 14, 2022

Person using a worn fitness tracker.

Devices covered by the recently released interpretation include smart TVs, smart watches, fitness trackers and IP-connected home security devices. | Maridav/Shutterstock

A formal interpretation of the R2v3 standard aims to help certified facilities deal with smart devices that pose unique data sanitization challenges.

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SERI looks to address smart device data challenges

Published: November 9, 2022

Apple Watch on product box.

SERI is working to clarify its R2v3 standard on how to handle data on different kinds of smart devices. | Anastasia Desiana/Shutterstock

This story has been corrected.

It has long been acknowledged in the reuse world that some smart items, such as fitness trackers, are difficult to properly wipe personal data from. One organization is now taking steps to address the problem. 

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Reseller faces allegations of violating e-Stewards standards

Published: September 1, 2022

Laptop courtesy of WT World Trading

A laptop that WT World Trading claims Tech-Resale shipped to it in the United Arab Emirates. | Courtesy of WT World Trading

The e-Stewards certification program has blacklisted Tech-Resale for at least two years, concluding that the electronics reseller violated several of the standard’s requirements.

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What eBay’s certification partnership means for resellers

Published: June 23, 2022

Company sign for eBay at company HQ.

U.S. remarketers now have the option of having Phonecheck evaluate and produce reports on their devices sold through the eBay Refurbished program. | Michael Vi/Shutterstock

One of the world’s biggest e-commerce channels, eBay, has launched a program allowing refurbishers to sell Phonecheck-certified devices through the platform. One expert explained what the development means for remarketers.

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SERI: One-fifth of R2v3 facilities do both reuse and recycling

Published: May 5, 2022

Laptops gathered for repair or recycling.

SERI data shows 33% of R2v3-certified companies have certified for e-scrap recycling services. | ThamKC/Shutterstock

Recently published R2v3 certification data illustrates just how diverse the industry has become, with relatively few reuse and recycling Swiss Army knives out there.

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Industry association retires ‘NAID Member’ logo

Published: January 20, 2022

Hard drive shredding

Many e-scrap firms that shred material or engage in other forms of data destruction are NAID AAA Certified. | Huguette Roe/Shutterstock

An industry association has made changes designed to ensure that data destruction customers don’t confuse “NAID member” to mean “NAID AAA Certified.”

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In Our Opinion: Certifications serve all of us

Published: December 23, 2021

Scrap electronics for recycling.

Responding to recent criticism of certifications generally, e-Stewards leadership argues standards have evolved to be more user friendly and are prepared to address a rapidly changing industry. | sasirin pamai/Shutterstock

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