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A look at where California’s CRT glass is going

Published: March 12, 2020


Data shows that the total pounds processed through California’s electronics recycling program have been falling since 2012. | Boonchuay1970/Shutterstock

This article has been corrected.

Over the past three years, fewer of California’s CRTs are going directly to hazardous waste landfills and more are flowing through intermediate glass processors, state data shows. But that may not mean more glass is ultimately being recycled.

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EU ‘Green Deal’ includes strong right-to-repair focus

Published: March 12, 2020


A European Commission plan calls for right-to-repair measures to be introduced by 2021. | Poravute Siriphiroon/Shutterstock

European lawmakers this week committed to enshrine greater device repairability in law, with their adoption of a Circular Economy Action Plan.

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Expert explains upcoming e-plastic export changes

Published: March 12, 2020

Rolph Payet, executive secretary of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, speaks at the Plastics Recycling Conference and Trade Show.

Rolph Payet, executive secretary of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions, speaks at the Plastics Recycling Conference and Trade Show. | Plastics Recycling Conference/Brian Adams Photography

Scrap plastic exporters should closely monitor policy changes in the countries they sell to as the global community prepares to enact more aggressive shipment requirements, according to the top staff member for the Basel Convention.

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Three more CRT suppliers settle in Closed Loop court case

Published: January 16, 2020


A number of developments have taken place in the high-profile Ohio CRT case over the past month. | mojo cp/Shutterstock

An Iowa solid waste commission agreed to pay nearly $240,000 to help fund removal of CRT materials abandoned in Ohio, and two e-scrap operators agreed to pay lower amounts. Meanwhile, settlement negotiations continue with one of the largest suppliers. Continue Reading

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