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Our top 10 stories from 2020

Published: January 7, 2021

Exterior of a Best Buy retail location.

As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded in March, Best Buy and others halted e-scrap collection. | LukeandKarla.Travel/Shutterstock

Certainly, the past year has been one like no other. And in the electronics recycling and ITAD industry, the global pandemic was just one of many developments shaping business conditions. Legal tussles, issues around low-value materials, and commodity market volatility were all e-scrap industry realities in 2020 as well.

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Mexico move exemplifies Ingram Micro’s global strategy

Published: December 24, 2020

Ingram Micro facility seen from above.

Ingram Micro’s new ITAD operation in Mexico was built inside of a 120,000-square-foot distribution warehouse. | Courtesy of Ingram Micro.

Many companies in the ITAD sector are searching for the best way to expand into international markets. For Ingram Micro, the playbook is clear: Follow the flow of new hardware.

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Apple to pay $113 million in battery-throttling case

Published: December 24, 2020

iPhone charging with Apple logo on screen.

Apple’s battery-throttling controversy has helped fuel right-to-repair conversations.| Attila Fodemesi/Shutterstock

Apple has agreed to settle allegations that the company concealed iPhone battery problems rather than informing customers or replacing the batteries.

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Stores pay millions in California hazardous waste disposal suits

Published: December 24, 2020

Walgreens store exterior in California.

Walgreens recently agreed to pay $3.50 million to settle a lawsuit alleging company employees dropped electronics, batteries and other hazardous materials into dumpsters headed to municipal landfills. | Sundry Photography/Shutterstock

Retailers in recent months have agreed to pay over $8 million to settle accusations they illegally landfilled electronics and other hazardous waste in California. In one case, trashed e-scrap was suspected to have ignited two fires.

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Processor installs e-plastics sorting system

Published: December 17, 2020

URT's plastic recycling line.

With a capacity of 6,000 pounds per hour, URT’s system was designed to handle the amount of shredded e-plastic generated in URT’s Janesville, Wis. plant on a single shift. | Courtesy of URT.

URT has installed equipment at its Wisconsin headquarters allowing the company to produce clean e-plastic fractions for sale to domestic buyers.

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Mapping out the recycling firms that received PPP funds

Published: December 17, 2020

Signing a business check.

The Small Business Administration recently disclosed detailed information on all recipients of Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funds through Nov. 24, 2020. | NIKCOA/Shutterstock

The federal government has released details on all Paycheck Protection Program loan recipients, allowing E-Scrap News to chart the money’s impact on the electronics recycling industry.

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Groups question US-Canada Basel plastics arrangement

Published: December 17, 2020

Cargo shipping containers.

Because the U.S. is not a party to the Basel Convention, exports to the 180-plus countries that are parties to the convention will be more complicated, or may even be prohibited by local laws. | AnkaFed/Shutterstock

The U.S. government has made public an agreement with Canada to continue shipments of scrap plastic, including e-plastics, despite global regulations tightening next year. Environmental advocates are troubled by the deal.

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