Business challenges related to the wider market are likely to pop up again and again in the coming months. | Poring Studio/Shutterstock
Business challenges related to the wider market are likely to pop up again and again in the coming months. | Poring Studio/Shutterstock
Solar arrays installed on the roofs of Gannon & Scott’s facilities on both coasts produce excess electricity that is returned to the grid.
Few businesses can say they’ve been around for a century, but precious metals refiner Gannon & Scott now can make the claim.
Cedric Carter (left) speaks during a session at the 2019 E-Reuse Conference. Rike Sandlin (center) and Bob McCarthy look on. | Dan Leif/Resource Recycling, Inc.
In sessions at last week’s E-Reuse Conference in Texas, a number of industry veterans detailed concepts that can help e-scrap and ITAD companies run leaner, more profitable plants.
Total Reclaim’s staff has been cut in half in recent years as the company dealt with fallout from an export scandal.
A West Coast processor that earlier this year saw its founders sentenced to prison is now being led by Bobby Farris, who has worked for a variety of recycling companies. He says the firm’s brand can be rebuilt. Continue Reading
An Illinois landfill disposition program for funnel glass is being phased out after five years.
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An industry group has identified six advanced recycling projects that target plastics from electronics. One of the tech developers is a prominent North American e-scrap processor.
Communities that want to offer home pick-up of end-of-life electronics must overcome a number of challenges. Bureaucracy, it seems, is one of them.
Resource Recycling, Inc., which produces a number of recycling trade publications and conferences, has been acquired by the Association of Plastic Recyclers.
In Uganda, end-of-life cell phones are collected before being shipped for recycling.
Tech companies are seeing boosted demand for environmental leadership, and e-scrap management concerns continue to mark developing countries. An enterprise in Europe is working to help out on both fronts.