A range of stories drew attention in 2019, including a major CRT lawsuit. | pnuar006/Shutterstock
The past year has given e-scrap and ITAD professionals plenty of reasons to click on our content. A major CRT lawsuit, the fallout from a processor export scandal and Arrow’s decision to exit the business emerged as the topics grabbing the most attention from readers.
The following list shows the top E-Scrap News online articles from 2019, in terms of unique page views.
1 | Lawsuits take aim at dozens of Closed Loop CRT suppliers
MARCH 29: In new court filings seeking cleanup funds, two warehouse owners have named over 40 e-scrap companies they say contributed to what became the largest CRT glass stockpile in U.S. history. The landlords invoke Superfund law in their suits.
2 | Details on Total Reclaim prison sentences
APRIL 25: The owners of e-scrap processor Total Reclaim have been sentenced to 28 months in prison after pleading guilty to federal charges related to their export of LCD devices to Hong Kong.
3 | Arrow Electronics to leave ITAD sector
JULY 18: Global ITAD services provider Arrow Electronics will close the asset disposition side of its business by the end of the year, after the company experienced two quarters of worsening financial returns.
4 | Processors named in CRT case defend their actions
APRIL 12: Companies that sent tens of millions of pounds of CRT materials to Closed Loop Refining and Recovery are publicly responding to lawsuits naming them as defendants.
5 | Analysts and competitors react to Arrow ITAD closure
JULY 25: The shutdown of a major ITAD business has generated unprecedented response from fellow asset disposition companies, which are looking to pick up customers left without a service provider.
6 | Struggling processor Metech sold for $300,000
FEB. 28: Metech Recycling, which operates five U.S. sites and encountered CRT storage issues recently, has been acquired by a group of investors associated with First America Metal Corp.
7 | Lawmakers revive bill to restrict e-scrap exports
JUNE 28: Federal legislators have reintroduced legislation banning exports of untested, non-working electronics, a move that could significantly alter the way that many e-scrap companies handle material.
8 | Open Letter: Learn from Total Reclaim’s mistakes
JAN. 24: Two e-scrap executives who have pleaded guilty to federal charges over flat-screen exports detail the chain of events that led to the wrongdoing and offer wider perspective to other businesses.
9 | Stone Castle CEO sentenced to prison
JAN. 31: A former e-scrap executive has been sentenced to one year in a federal prison for storing hazardous CRT waste without a permit.
10 | Smelter closure causes shifts in flow of CRT glass
NOV. 22: Glencore is permanently closing its New Brunswick lead smelter, which consumes millions of pounds of CRT glass each year.