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Tag Archives: research

Feds want industry help to lower PV recycling costs

Published: April 5, 2022

Solar array in field.

The U.S. Department of Energy has released a five-year action plan for cutting the cost of recycling photovoltaic (PV) materials in half. | lccarvalho/Shutterstock

It’s generally cheaper to landfill old solar panels than it is to recycle them. The U.S. Department of Energy wants to change that.

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Study: Modernized bottle bills boost redemption, save money

Published: March 29, 2022

Bottle return at a reverse vending machine.

A study found that modernizing bottle bills in five Northeast states could create up to $160 million in savings to local governments and add up to $1.4 billion to the region’s economy annually. | Pazargic Liviu/Shutterstock

By updating older deposit return systems, states can create jobs, increase municipal savings and boost recycling rates, according to research from nonprofit Reloop North America.
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Google identifies ‘interventions’ to boost plastics circularity

Published: March 22, 2022

Various plastic items arranged on a pink background.

A report from Google suggests that reaching a circular economy will require rethinking design, reducing resource consumption, recycling and other interventions. | Nevodka/Shutterstock

Google published its latest plastic circularity report, finding that both chemical and mechanical recycling will be needed to close the “plastics circularity gap” by 2040. The tech giant also pointed to taxing virgin plastics to help reduce waste.

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Recycling Partnership launches inclusion fund

Published: March 1, 2022

curbside carts

The Recycling Inclusion Fund already has several projects underway, including foundational research and a multi-family recycling project in Orlando, Fla. | Thanatos Media/Shutterstock

The Recycling Partnership is working to close the equity gap in recycling access and address other racial issues with a Recycling Inclusion Fund.

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Survey shows landfill tip fees remain stable

Published: February 22, 2022


Landfill tip fees were relatively flat in 2021, according to newly released data. | Kawin168/Shutterstock

Last year, price tags for a range of new things jumped sharply from the year before, but the cost to landfill those things was pretty much flat.

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Federal program pumped nearly $1.2B into recycling companies

Published: February 8, 2022

Signing business paychecks.

An analysis of federal data shows recycling firms received over a billion dollars in Paycheck Protection Program loans. | NIKCOA/Shutterstock

U.S. MRFs and recyclables traders received about $1.19 billion in Paycheck Protection Program loans, including nearly $318 million received after Congress allowed certain companies to take a second bite at the PPP apple.

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