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Tag Archives: research

Congress targets recycling and composting ‘information gaps’

Published: June 21, 2022

The U.S. capitol building.

Proposed legislation would direct the EPA to create a comprehensive baseline of data on the U.S. recycling system, report on end markets for collected materials, and more. | ItzaVU/Shutterstock

A bipartisan group of lawmakers has introduced legislation that would call on the federal government to produce in-depth research on the state of America’s recycling and composting systems.

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OECD says plastic pollution will grow faster than recycling rate

Published: June 14, 2022

Plastics littering a beach in Malaysia.

An OECD report anticipates marine debris will increase significantly in volume over the next several decades. | Rich Carey/Shutterstock

Globally, discarded plastic levels could nearly triple by 2060, with about half of the plastic ending up in landfill and less than a fifth recycled, an OECD report projected.

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New research focuses on global metals recycling

Published: June 7, 2022

Glencore's Mount Isa Mine seen from above.

A report said the world’s stock of raw elements is at risk of running out and called for industries to shift away from mining the Earth to mining old devices for needed material. | Cam Laird/Shutterstock

A study on global metals recycling identified feedstock reliability, technology limitations and product design choices as barriers to increasing recycled metal usage.

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EPA seeking industry help in shaping new grants

Published: May 24, 2022

US EPA building exterior in Washington, D.C.

The bipartisan infrastructure bill passed last year provides about $350 million to the U.S. EPA over several years to fund recycling infrastructure and education grants. | RozenskiP/Shutterstock

The U.S. EPA is working to build several grant programs from the ground up thanks to an influx of money from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and it is reaching out to stakeholders to make sure the programs will meet industry needs.

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MRFs face ‘brunt of the negative impact’ from battery fires

Published: August 31, 2021

Lithium ion batteries for recycling.

A new EPA research report runs through how a typical MRF might encounter and handle lithium-ion batteries, and how fires can be sparked. | silabob / Shutterstock

Lithium-ion battery fires are affecting all types of waste management and recycling facilities. But the U.S. EPA recently concluded that the municipal recycling sector has it worse than others.

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How packaging EPR could take shape in Oregon

Published: February 4, 2020


 A steering committee is reviewing five scenarios to potentially reshape the future of recycling in Oregon. | kipgodi/Shutterstock

Industry leaders in one West Coast state are pondering a variety of different frameworks to help recycling programs and processors find greater resilience in the wake of National Sword. Producers may ultimately be asked to play a big role in the solution.

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Report: Value of curbside materials drops 66% in two years

Published: February 12, 2020

Curbside recycling carts in front of residential properties.

The Recycling Partnership’s “2020 State of Curbside” report delves into updated data on recycling in the U.S. | stephen rudolph/Shutterstock

To quickly grasp the struggles facing American curbside recycling programs, one can follow the money – or lack thereof. In July 2017, a ton of recyclables was worth over $90. In October 2019, it was worth $30. That’s according to new research from The Recycling Partnership.

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Tools aim to foster better MRF contracts

Published: July 7, 2020

Signing a contract.

A new guide helps public agencies and private MRF operators craft contract language both sides find fair. | fizkes/Shutterstock

A MRF and municipality may feel their contract is fair, until a dive in commodity prices or spike in contamination leaves someone unhappy. A new report from The Recycling Partnership strives to help the parties prepare for difficult circumstances.
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