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Tag Archives: plastics

Industry group: Help us find the plastic bale volumes we need

Published: June 21, 2022

Bales of plastics for recycling.

A European analysis shows 9 million metric tons of discarded plastic was collected for sorting, out of 30 million produced in 2021. | Muhammad Azman/Shutterstock

European plastic recyclers are struggling to get enough material, even as exports of plastics decline and values rise.

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Polyethylene film recycling plant coming to Minnesota

Published: May 10, 2022

Stacks of rolled plastic film for recycling.

A number of prominent names are financing Myplas USA’s first U.S. polyethylene film recycling plant, to be located in Rogers, Minn., outside of Minneapolis. | Joyce Blessthink/Shutterstock

Brand owners and other private and public entities are investing millions of dollars into a plastic reclaimer’s project to build a 170,000-square-foot film recycling facility in the Upper Midwest.

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Southeast MRF upgrades improve plastics recovery

Published: May 3, 2022

Machinex equipment inside the MRF.

Recycling equipment manufacturer Machinex provided improved sorting technologies for two Pratt single-stream MRFs. | Courtesy of Machinex

Pratt Industries may be primarily focused on recycling fiber into cardboard boxes, but with higher scrap plastics prices, the company also saw a business opportunity in boosting PET and HDPE bottle sorting.

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US plastic recycling numbers continue to fall

Published: April 26, 2022

PET bottles collected for recycling.

Broken down by scrap type, a study found that bottles, non-bottle rigid plastics and other plastics all saw declines individually in 2020. | TeuNg StyLe/Shutterstock

The U.S. is processing more of its scrap plastic domestically, but the overall weight of plastic recycled in 2020 dropped just under 6% from 2019, according to an annual industry report.

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WM details sorting facility upgrades and plastics capacity

Published: September 15, 2020

Baled plastics for recycling.

Waste Management issued its September 2020 “Report on Recycling” to identify gaps in U.S. plastics recycling infrastructure, among other goals. | Natallia Boroda/Shutterstock

A recent report from the nation’s largest waste and recycling hauler outlines MRF infrastructure and reviews the current state of reclamation capacity for key recovered plastics.

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