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Tag Archives: MRFs

Northeast MRFs earn glass certifications

Published: October 5, 2021

Mazza Recycling Services team photo

Staff of Mazza Recycling Services proudly feature their bronze MRF glass certificate from the Glass Recycling Coalition. | Courtesy of the Glass Recycling Coalition

The MRF Glass Certification Program has recognized sorting facilities in Pennsylvania and New Jersey for their glass recovery efforts.

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WM details shifts in recycling stream and end markets

Published: October 19, 2021


Waste Management’s overall recycling collection dropped slightly from 2019 to 2020. | Courtesy of Waste Management

A report from Waste Management describes how the pandemic shifted the composition of the curbside stream from paper to plastic last year. The document also provides insights into the company’s domestic market expectations and recycling investments. 

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Why carton recycling has stalled in one state

Published: October 19, 2021

Soup cartons for recycling.

Food and beverage cartons are not accepted in curbside recycling in a number of large municipalities in Massachusetts. | Velour Noire / Shutterstock

When MRF operators sat down with Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection officials in 2018 to develop a non-mandated accepted recyclables list, cartons didn’t make the cut. 

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The details on a MRF contract built for the current age

Published: September 9, 2020

Recycle Ann Arbor MRF

Recycle Ann Arbor secured $6 million in financing to essentially rebuild the MRF, which was first constructed as a dual-stream facility in 1995 and was retrofitted for single-stream sorting in 2009. | Courtesy of Recycle Ann Arbor.

Economic uncertainty is a given in recycling right now, but Recycle Ann Arbor has two points of stability beneath the facility project it’s pushing forward: Processing costs are covered, and fiber bales have a guaranteed home.

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WM details sorting facility upgrades and plastics capacity

Published: September 15, 2020

Baled plastics for recycling.

Waste Management issued its September 2020 “Report on Recycling” to identify gaps in U.S. plastics recycling infrastructure, among other goals. | Natallia Boroda/Shutterstock

A recent report from the nation’s largest waste and recycling hauler outlines MRF infrastructure and reviews the current state of reclamation capacity for key recovered plastics.

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Midwest recycling operator expands with commercial plant

Published: September 15, 2020

Quincy Recycle's Green Bay facility

Quincy Recycle plans to start up the 64,000-square-foot facility early next year.

Quincy Recycle has opened its eighth recycling facility to handle material from back-of-house commercial and industrial settings, underscoring opportunity in these areas despite a pandemic-driven decline in commercial material generation.

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WM highlights recycling activities during tumultuous year

Published: October 20, 2020

Waste Management fleet of trucks from above.

In 2019, Waste Management processed a record amount of recyclables: 15.5 million tons, up from 15.2 million tons in 2018. | Courtesy of Waste Management.

The largest hauler in North America processed a record amount of recyclables in 2019, and it invested more than $100 million to improve its recycling infrastructure, according to its latest sustainability report.

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