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Tag Archives: local programs

Pandemic causes host of complications for industry

Published: March 24, 2020


Analysts say the partial closure of the U.S.-Canada border may spook some Canadian garbage and recycling programs into undertaking contingency planning. | Yulia Lyubimova/Shutterstock

The coronavirus has prompted the closure of a state recycling association, and it spurred the Federal Reserve to encourage investors to continue lending to local governments. 

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Community Spotlight: A county popular with tourists expands diversion stream

Published: March 16, 2020


Teton County, Wyo. handles about 4,500 tons of recyclables per year. | Carson Meyer Photography

Each year, as many as 3 million visitors come through Teton County, Wyo., drawn in large part by the area’s scenic destinations. With so many out-of-towners coming through, local recycling coordinators have to stay on their toes when it comes to outreach and education.

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Meet the Speakers: Kanika Greenlee of Keep Atlanta Beautiful Commission

Published: October 11, 2018


We’ve got a little over a week until the 2018 Resource Recycling Conference kicks off in St. Louis. To preview the event, we’re offering a series of profiles of different recycling stakeholders who will be offering expert perspective from the stage.

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Q&A: Ups and downs collecting plastic bags curbside

Published: October 25, 2016


David W McCaryThe City of San Antonio began accepting plastic bags in curbside single-stream carts two years ago. In its first year, 550 tons were recovered through the program, but that number fell by more than two-thirds in the second year.

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