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SWANA reports drop in waste and recycling industry deaths

Published: July 7, 2021

Municipal waste and recycling collection worker with bins.

For 2020, SWANA tallied a total of 52 on-the-job waste and recycling industry fatalities. This year the numbers are trending downward. | Somchai_Stock / Shutterstock

Half as many solid waste workers were killed on the job during the first half of this year compared with recent years, according to the Solid Waste Association of North America.

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Asking what should count as recycling, EPA gets an earful

Published: April 20, 2021

Sorted materials at the recycling facility.

The U.S. EPA received 108 public comments as the agency seeks to revise its recycling rate calculation methodology. | janstarik/Shutterstock

If food scraps from households are composted, should that count in the nation’s recycling rate? What if they’re fed to livestock or processed in anaerobic digesters?

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Heavy lifting

Published: November 28, 2017

The moderator’s question was simple: If local programs want to move beyond weight-based recycling rates, what single metric should be used instead?

“I have prepared my answer for this,” said city of Seattle economist Jenny Bagby before emphatically holding up a sheet of paper and taking a pause. “I don’t know.”

The exchange drew laughs from the room full of Pacific Northwest recycling leaders who were gathered earlier this month in Seattle for a recycling metrics event called the SPU Measurement Symposium. Continue Reading

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SWANA tallies 52 industry on-the-job deaths last year

Published: March 9, 2021

Worker unloads waste bin into collection truck on a residential street.

For 2020, SWANA reported 36 collection/transportation worker deaths, the same number as 2019. | Eric Buermeyer/Shutterstock

The number North American MRF workers killed on the job last year decreased, but the total number of garbage and recycling sector deaths remained flat, according to industry data.

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Survey shows US landfill tip fees decreased last year

Published: February 9, 2021

Trucks at a landfill site from above.

Despite last year’s drop in landfill tip fees, the five-year average is still trending upward. | Janossy Gergely/Shutterstock

Average landfill tip fees across the country dropped in 2020, although the eastern U.S. continued to see rising disposal costs.

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