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Industry illness and injury rates hit record low in 2021

Published: November 14, 2022

data analysis

The second year in which COVID-19 cases in the workplace were reported, 2021 saw a steep decline in the illness rate for solid waste collection workers. | Joyseulay/Shutterstock

According to federal data, the waste and recycling industry injury rate fell in 2021, bringing it to the lowest point since 2006.  Continue Reading

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EPA grants just under $1.2M to small recycling companies

Published: November 7, 2022

US EPA website on mobile device.

A total of $1.17 million for recycling companies came as part of a larger $3.2 million round of funding in the latest installment of Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grants. | Tada Images/Shutterstock

An AI-powered robotic sortation system, a glass-to-cement company and a zero waste software maker all received small business grants from the U.S. EPA. 

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Haulers report impact of falling commodity prices

Published: November 7, 2022

Waste Management truck on a public street.

Company leaders said during recent investor calls they expect fourth-quarter 2022 recyclables values to be far below third-quarter figures. | David Tonelson/Shutterstock

Plummeting recyclables prices took a bite out of the largest haulers’ revenues during the third quarter, and executives foresee worse prices to come. 

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Evergreen and Peninsula upgrade PET recycling plants

Published: November 7, 2022

Evergreen's Riverside, Calif. location seen from above.

Nationwide PET reclaimer Evergreen has installed advanced sorting equipment at its Riverside, Calif. facility over the past year. | Courtesy of Google Maps

Two reclaimers have recently made or are planning multi-million-dollar upgrades at their California PET recycling facilities. The following are details on the projects by Evergreen and Peninsula Plastics Recycling. 

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California dangles cash carrot for cleaner PET bales, but few bite

Published: November 1, 2022

PET bale for recycling.

California’s plastic quality incentive payment (QIP) program offers $180 per ton for clean PET bales. | MarieKaz/Shutterstock

California last year started a unique program of providing cash payments to MRFs that produce ultra-clean PET bottle bales. Recently released data suggest the payments aren’t juicy enough morsels. 

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Post-recession reforms help MRFs weather price fluctuations

Published: November 1, 2022

Waste Management sort line

MRFs are using what they see as a more equitable pricing structure with municipal customers. Courtesy of WM.

Commodity prices crashed recently after a year of highs, but industry leaders said changes instituted after the 2008 recession make them better prepared to handle current volatility. Continue Reading

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