Developments over the past 12 months certainly kept recycling professionals on their toes. Continue Reading
Developments over the past 12 months certainly kept recycling professionals on their toes. Continue Reading
In a time of diminishing natural resources and increasing demand for goods, an economy based on repair, reuse and recycling makes sense from both an environmental and economic perspective. Recovery and reuse are much preferable to wanton consumption and subsequent disposal.
The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries’ ISRI2016 show didn’t just discuss industry issues and equipment – it also provided a platform for ventures looking to drive social change with recycled materials.
Industry experts contend recycling carts will contain more and more aluminum bottles in the coming years.
Saying a material can’t be thrown away isn’t a guarantee it will be recycled. That’s a takeaway from the cardboard landfill ban Fort Collins, Colo. imposed in 2013.
Legislation introduced in San Francisco would extend the city’s current ban on expanded polystyrene food-service items to packaging and a host of other products.
Wisconsin appears close to approving a 20 percent funding cut to local recycling programs.
A study released by the American Chemistry Council explores the equipment at play in MRFs and mixed-waste processing facilities.
The recycling rate for aluminum cans reached its highest level in 17 years, although an estimated $800 million worth of the metal is still landfilled each year.
A microbrewery in Georgia is the first company to use a “high-recycled” content aluminum can from Novelis.