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Ousted Ann Arbor MRF operator questions motivation of city

Published: July 19, 2016


MRF / Cylonphoto, ShutterstockThe City of Ann Arbor, Mich. recently terminated a processing contract with ReCommunity, alleging safety concerns. But a ReCommunity executive says the municipality was just trying to get out of a deal that was no longer producing financial returns.

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MRF of the Month: Republic Sonoma County MRF, Petaluma, Calif.

Published: June 9, 2017


Bill Rich of Republic Services; David Rabbit, county of Sonoma supervisor; and Mike Caprio of Republic Services celebrate the opening of the facility.

Once known as the “Egg Capital of the World,” the town of Petaluma, Calif. is where the egg incubator was invented. It also once had the world’s only drugstore meant exclusively for poultry. Continue Reading

Editorial: An exception for Steve

Published: June 30, 2011


Resource Recycling doesn’t publish obituaries nor print memorials for those recycling leaders who have passed. The principal reason is we do not want to judge who should be honored and who should not. Each and every person who has left us deserves accolades.

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The view from NRC: A strategic roadmap to the future

Published: September 1, 2016


Julie RhodesSince 1978, the National Recycling Coalition (NRC) has been evolving and working to meet the needs of those engaged in recycling activities. Over those 38 years, NRC has advanced many issues and programs, such as organizing the National Recycling Congress, hosting many working task forces, and working with Congress on legislative initiatives and the White House on executive orders.

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