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Our top stories from March 2020

Published: April 7, 2020


News about recycling program disruptions around North America captured attention in March. | Oksana Shturo/Shutterstock

Because coronavirus has upended life for North America, it’s no surprise that stories about the pandemic’s impacts to the recycling industry dominated our readers’ attention last month.

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Health officials say PPE and proper cleaning are critical

Published: April 7, 2020


Human contact is the largest factor in the spread of COVID-19, making operational changes key in combatting the pandemic. | May the light be with you/Shutterstock

Occupational safety experts recently laid out the steps that are the most effective for preventing the spread of COVID-19 within waste and recycling operations.

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Lockdowns and shipping strife snarl scrap exports

Published: March 31, 2020

Cargo ship container port at dusk.

Lingering impacts from the shipping disruptions of January and February still plague the movement of recyclables out of the U.S. | DifferR/Shutterstock

Overseas markets for recovered paper and plastic are experiencing disruption as governments enact widespread restrictions and close ports in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

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Device resellers see ‘unprecedented demand’

Published: March 31, 2020

A person seated at a laptop with a headset.

IT asset disposition company EPC reported a sharp increase in demand for notebook, tablet and desktop PCs throughout the U.S. and Canada as the need to work from home grows. | Sally B/Shutterstock

Electronics recycling and reuse companies across the U.S. say the coronavirus and resulting work-from-home orders have energized the market for refurbished electronics. In some cases, they can’t keep up with the needs of customers.

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