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Recycled fiber end users put new focus on residential stream

Published: September 1, 2020

Recycling bin full of cardboard boxes.

Greater fiber tonnages are coming in through the residential stream, which typically includes higher numbers of small boxes. | Cari Rubin Photography/Shutterstock

OCC generation has shifted away from the commercial realm amid COVID-19, and tonnages might never go back. A paper association leader described that trend and what it means for the industry’s future.

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Stakeholders roll out framework for US plastics sustainability

Published: August 25, 2020

Plastic packaging samples arranged on a table.

In the U.S., dozens of brand owners, retailers, government agencies and nonprofit groups have joined the U.S. Plastics Pact. | Nagy-Bagoly Arpad/Shutterstock

A program called U.S. Plastics Pact, associated with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, will pursue strategies to eliminate unnecessary packaging, increase recyclability, and ensure packaging contains recycled plastic. It has more than 60 industry backers.

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How programs in NY, Texas and Colorado are handling COVID-19

Published: August 25, 2020

A row of blue recycling bins in front of a brick wall.

Three recycling program leaders from across the U.S. said that education and outreach efforts have seen budget cuts due to the pandemic. | Stephen Griffin/Shutterstock

Leaders from three municipal recycling programs of varying size, including the largest city in the U.S., say they are grappling with budget issues and making alterations to collection service as the coronavirus pandemic continues.

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Shipping shakeup continues as China’s extended ban nears

Published: August 25, 2020

Cargo ship on the water.

Despite the upcoming ban, the Chinese government continues to approve permits for more recovered paper to enter the country. | hxdbzxy/Shutterstock

Another major container ship operator says it’s ending scrap shipments to China as that country prepares to widen its prohibition on imports of recovered material. Meanwhile, insurance providers recently analyzed the Chinese policy and its ramifications for shipping lines.

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Here are the latest film and non-bottle rigid recycling stats

Published: August 25, 2020

Plastic bags for recycling.

Just over 1 billion pounds of post-consumer bag and film plastics were recovered in 2018. | Pavel Kubarkov/Shutterstock

The amount of U.S. plastic film and non-bottle plastic rigids collected for recycling decreased in 2018, but domestic processors took in more of the material, according to More Recycling.

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