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US generated 20% of world’s recovered paper in 2019

Published: July 20, 2021

Fiber bales stacked for recycling.

Worldwide, nearly 269 million short tons of recovered fiber were generated in 2019. | nickpeps / Shutterstock

A global report charting recovered fiber trends throughout 2019 found that packaging made up 86% of the end products made from the material. The study also examined fiber generation by region, international trade flows and more.

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British Columbia EPR program hits 85% recovery rate

Published: July 20, 2021

Sorted materials for recycling.

Recycle BC’s recent annual report noted a 90% recovery rate for paper, 52% for plastic, and 85% for metal. | pryzmat / Shutterstock

In 2020, a producer-funded system for paper and packaging recycling achieved a significantly higher recovery rate – and spent more money – than the year prior.

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Indonesia confirms import contamination limit

Published: July 20, 2021


Indonesia’s 2% contamination rule for recovered fiber imports is likely to take effect in September. | Triawanda Tirta Aditya / Shutterstock

Recovered fiber will be allowed a maximum of 2% contamination when shipped into Indonesia, which is currently the ninth-largest market for U.S. exports of the material.

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