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Province will broaden EPR to include more product types

Published: September 21, 2021

Empty propane tanks for recycling

British Columbia will include fuel canisters in the province’s EPR program in the coming years. | Timothy Yue / Shutterstock

The British Columbia government released a five-year plan for adding mattresses, electric vehicle batteries, fuel canisters and other materials into the province’s extended producer responsibility law.

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California is back at the center of plastics recycling debate

Published: September 14, 2021

Calif. capitol building in Sacramento.

A bill approved by California legislators has substantial implications for how common plastic packaging items are labeled, and it could have significant recycling implications across the nation in the coming years. | Feoktistoff / Shutterstock

Producers would need to meet strict criteria to use the “chasing arrows” symbol on their plastic packaging in California under a bill approved by lawmakers last week. An industry group says the move will harm polypropylene recycling.

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