The How2Recycle label, a project of the Sustainable Packaging Coalition (SPC), celebrated many milestones in 2016, including a big boost from Walmart.
The How2Recycle label, a project of the Sustainable Packaging Coalition (SPC), celebrated many milestones in 2016, including a big boost from Walmart.
The Sustainable Packaging Coalition (SPC) recently released a comprehensive study on the availability of recycling in America to help promote change among industry players.
The Centralized Study on Availability of Recycling started as a report to examine recycling acceptance rates for certain types of packaging. That narrow focus morphed into a comprehensive study regarding the larger issue of recycling accessibility in America.
North America’s two largest garbage and recycling companies say recovered materials values increased during the second quarter, giving them revenue boosts.
Food processors, farms and municipalities all have felt pressures to send less organic material to landfills. They could eventually get help from a startup in California that is turning organics into biodegradable plastic.
The City of Los Angeles has approved commercial franchise hauling zones after more than two years of planning. Proponents say the change puts the nation’s second largest city on the path to achieving a 90 percent diversion rate by 2025.
The state of Vermont is celebrating, after declaring its universal recycling law successful. Act 148 includes a disposal ban on certain materials and requires universal recycling access.
Scott Pruitt, photo by Gage Skidmore
After several weeks spent considering a handful of candidates, President-elect Donald Trump has chosen Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt as his nominee to head the Environmental Protection Agency.
This story originally appeared in the November 2016 issue of Resource Recycling.
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How can recycling programs across the country efficiently recover glass and overcome challenges in the value chain? Several stakeholders delved into the issue at the Resource Recycling Conference.