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Author Archives: Colin Staub

About Colin Staub

Colin-StaubColin Staub is a reporter at Resource Recycling. He can be contacted at [email protected].

Experts provide 30 fixes for California recycling system

Published: July 7, 2021

View inside a MRF.

The California Statewide Commission on Recycling Markets & Curbside Recycling in late June published an expansive report with recommendations for lawmakers. | Nordroden / Shutterstock

A government-convened commission of California recycling stakeholders has outlined steps to boost markets and cut contamination. But the group’s report also leaves PP plastic off a key initial list of accepted materials, drawing quick pushback from national associations.

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New Jersey lawmakers advance recycled-content mandate

Published: July 7, 2021

N.J. state capitol.

Legislators in New Jersey approved recycled-content mandates for containers and bags made from several materials. | Wangkun Jia / Shutterstock

A bill establishing minimum post-consumer recycled plastic, glass and paper use in containers and bags was approved by the New Jersey Senate last month.

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Maine lawmakers approve first-in-nation packaging EPR bill

Published: June 22, 2021

The Maine state capitol in Augusta.

Maine lawmakers advanced an EPR bill to the governor. | Sean Pavone / Shutterstock

Legislation creating an extended producer responsibility program for packaging has cleared both the Maine House of Representatives and Senate. It’s the first such bill in the U.S. to make it that far in the legislative process, and it now goes to the state’s governor for a signature.

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EPR legislation advances in some states, stalls in others

Published: June 15, 2021

Oregon state capitol building with state flag and blue sky.

A substantial EPR bill is moving forward in the Oregon legislature. | Grindstone Media Group / Shutterstock

Bills establishing extended producer responsibility for packaging materials were introduced in a handful of states this year. Several have failed to gain traction, but at least two key proposals remain active.

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Plastics-to-fuel company developing $680 million facility

Published: June 15, 2021

Baled plastics for recycling.

More than 100 employees will be hired to work at Brightmark’s upcoming $680 million Georgia plant. | Frank Fiedler / Shutterstock

Brightmark recently announced it will build a second facility bringing in mixed plastics for chemical recycling. To be located in Georgia, the plant will have a processing capacity of 800 million pounds per year.

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EPA budget request emphasizes recycling

Published: June 8, 2021

United States EPA sign on building exterior.

The Biden-Harris EPA budget proposal allocates $10 million for a pilot grant program to advance innovation in the recycling industry. | DanielJohn / Shutterstock

The Biden-Harris administration requested $11.2 billion for the U.S. EPA for 2022, and the agency proposes to slightly increase funding to the EPA’s Waste Minimization and Recycling Program.

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Largest Canadian province to roll out full EPR

Published: June 8, 2021

Outside the Ontario, Canada legislative building.

Officials estimate shifting funding responsibility completely to producers will save municipalities an estimated 156 million Canadian dollars (about $129 million U.S.) per year. | Sunset Blue / Shutterstock

The Ontario government will make producers fully financially responsible for recycling their products, a major expansion of the province’s extended producer responsibility system. The changes will come into effect within the next four years.

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Paper mills foresee higher OCC prices this year

Published: June 2, 2021

Baled OCC stacked for recycling.

Recovered fiber end users detailed the impacts of rising OCC prices in their quarterly reports. | BAO Images Bildaentur / Shutterstock

Major recovered paper end users anticipate paying more for feedstock as 2021 progresses, according to recent statements from company executives. Mill operators also shared updates on their recycled fiber capacity expansions.

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