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Tag Archives: technology

How ‘supercritical’ CO2 can lead to cleaner recycled resin

Published: September 15, 2021

Extruded opaque sheet of thermoplastic from printed film scrap (left) and translucent sheet produced through a supercritical CO2 extrusion process.

Extruded opaque sheet of thermoplastic from printed film scrap (left) and translucent sheet produced through a supercritical CO2 extrusion process. | Courtesy of AIMPLAS

A form of pressurized carbon dioxide can be used to remove contaminants from post-consumer plastic melt, improving the quality of the final pellets, according to a research organization.

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Notable names are among recent FDA letter recipients

Published: September 9, 2021

PET bottles for recycling.

A number of companies recently gained approval to use their technologies to produce recycled resin for sale into food and drink packaging markets. | Nixx Photography/Shutterstock

A chemical recycling startup, a massive resin producer, equipment providers and packaging producers are among the companies that have received the green light to recycle plastic into food and drink packaging.

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Digital watermark project advances in Denmark

Published: September 9, 2021

Material on a conveyor inside a sorting and processing facility.

A pilot project at a facility in Denmark is being backed by a number of packaging and recycling stakeholders. | Nordroden / Shutterstock

A European materials recovery facility will install sorting detection equipment to identify digital watermarks on plastic packaging.

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Worldwide voyage shares plastics recycling know-how

Published: September 1, 2021

Plastic Odyssey ship at port.

The Plastic Odyssey project has been in the works for five years and is planning to launch late this year. | Courtesy of Plastic Odyssey

Plastic Odyssey, a project that will demonstrate open-source plastics recycling equipment and business models in countries without developed waste management infrastructure, is preparing to embark on a trip around the globe.

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Robotics firm claims greater efficiency in a smaller package

Published: August 25, 2021

EverestLabs robotic cell.

EverestLabs High Recovery Robot Cells performed 104 picks per minute compared to 70 on the company’s Delta system. | Courtesy of EverestLabs

EverestLabs released a robotic sorting system that the company says can perform more picks and fit in a wider range of sortation settings than what has previously been available to processors.

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PET recycling startup signs deal with prime producer

Published: July 21, 2021

View of SK Global Chemicals and Loop Industries staff signing documents.

Na Kyung-soo, CEO of SK Global Chemical, signs the strategic investment agreement with Loop Industries on June 23. | Courtesy of SK Global Chemical

Quebec-based Loop Industries is receiving a $56 million equity investment from plastics giant SK Global Chemical to help it grow its PET depolymerization business.

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PET shrink label products meet recyclability guidelines

Published: July 8, 2021

PET beverage bottles in a retail setting.

PET bottle labels can be problematic to the plastics recycling process, but three PET bottle label innovations recently received letters confirming their compatibility. | Ho Su A Bi / Shutterstock

The Association of Plastic Recyclers has recognized three shrink label innovations for their compatibility with PET recycling processes.

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Reclaimer hopes to ‘break the log jam’ in scrap supply

Published: June 16, 2021

International Recycling Group plant rendering.

Rendering of the planned “SuperPRF” courtesy of International Recycling Group.

International Recycling Group hopes to finish financing a $150 million plastics recovery facility by the end of the year, with the massive plant scheduled to come on-line in 2023.

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