New York City shoppers will be hit with a new bag fee, and the U.K.’s carpet diversion rate continues to rise. Continue Reading
New York City shoppers will be hit with a new bag fee, and the U.K.’s carpet diversion rate continues to rise. Continue Reading
California has under-subsidized its container redemption centers to the tune of $43 million in recent years, leading a significant number of them to close, according to the Container Recycling Institute.
Leading executives involved in European plastics recycling convened in Portugal in mid-June to address the current state of affairs and to look into the future of the industry.
A California bill aims to stem the tide of beverage container redemption center closures in the Golden State. But it also threatens the entire container-recycling industry in the state if lawmakers fail to make reforms by next April.
Legislation in front of California lawmakers would require beverage companies to use at least 10 percent recycled plastic in bottles if they want to continue receiving discounts on fees they pay to the state.
Manufacturers opposing California’s statewide plastic bag ban have raised more than four times as much money as ban supporters.
The California legislature passed a bill requiring beverage companies to publicly report the amount of post-consumer PET they use. And a separate piece of legislation sent to the governor extends a plastics-recycling subsidy programs for one year.
The house wins again in Michigan, and a California town says it is exempt from the statewide ban on plastic bags.
Global computing giant Dell is now using recycled plastics from electronics, water bottles and CD cases in 48 of its products.
Ikea releases products made with recycled plastics, and Rhode Island adopts standardized public bin signage to boost recovery efforts.