The U.S. PET bottle recycling rate inched upward to 29.2 percent last year.
The U.S. PET bottle recycling rate inched upward to 29.2 percent last year.
The head of the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) recently voiced concerns that plastics recovery progress could get dampened by stakeholders’ transition to more holistic approaches to materials management.
A permanent, consumer-funded grain bag recycling program has gone into effect in Saskatchewan, where farmers use 15,000 to 20,000 bags annually.
Global brand companies are among those that signed a commitment to publicly report their progress toward ensuring plastic products are recyclable and actually recovered.
The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) says its Demand Champions effort has helped pull more plastic through the recycling system in its first year.
Two of the largest recycling events in the United States and Europe have formed a strategic alliance. The move brings together the U.S.-based Plastics Recycling Conference and the Plastics Recycling Show Europe (PRSE) as the recycling of plastics takes on increasing global importance.
Public and private entities regularly sample waste streams to glean data on the plastics that could be captured for recycling. Now, guidelines have been developed to standardize the process so results can be compared.
A draft European Union law limits traces of a flame retardant in products to such a low level that it would effectively kill e-plastics recycling on the continent, two industry groups said.
Plastics industry interests are lobbying Washington politicians to fund recycling infrastructure projects, a new area of focus for groups that have historically emphasized trade and regulatory issues.