Legislators from around the U.S. grappled with bottle bills this year. | Namitha Hebbar/Shutterstock
Bottle bills were popular this legislative session, with updates and expansions passed or considered in several states.
Legislators from around the U.S. grappled with bottle bills this year. | Namitha Hebbar/Shutterstock
Bottle bills were popular this legislative session, with updates and expansions passed or considered in several states.
Berry brand owner Driscoll’s has worked with its clamshell suppliers to boost the percentage of RPET derived from used thermoforms. | Courtesy of Driscoll’s
Clamshell containers used by berry brand Driscoll’s last year contained an average of 9% RPET sourced from used thermoforms. Continue Reading
King County, Wash. has launched a business incubator program called NextCycle Washington. | SCStock/Shutterstock
First there was Colorado NextCycle. Then there was NextCycle Michigan. Now, the next NextCycle has landed in Washington state.
PTT Global Chemical America is eying central Ohio for a new PET and PE recycling plant. | Alexander Lukatskiy/Shutterstock
The U.S. subsidiary of Thailand-based plastic manufacturer PTT Global Chemical is moving toward a recycled plastic manufacturing facility in central Ohio.
An industry coalition leader makes the case that lifting PET recovery rates will help improve recovery of other materials. | Billion Photos/Shutterstock
A Fresno, California MRF leveraged grant funding to install robotic sortation equipment to recover more PP. | Courtesy of AMP Robotics
With a little help from The Recycling Partnership’s Polypropylene Recycling Coalition, a Fresno-based MRF has entered the world of robotics.
Packaging companies are eligible for a new competition that would give access to decision-makers at the world’s largest retailer. | chainarong06/Shutterstock
The U.S. Plastics Pact has launched a competition with prizes potentially more valuable than one-time cash awards: namely, serious conversations with Walmart’s private label packaging leaders.
At the recent Association of Plastic Recyclers member meeting, The Recycling Partnership presented on their packaging recyclability database. | Screenshot of video showing database in use.
At the June Association of Plastic Recyclers members meeting, speakers shared insights on policy, data collection and a shifting tone in how the sector portrays itself.
The leader of the Association of Plastic Recyclers responds to a recent op-ed by The Last Beach Cleanup and Beyond Plastics. | Courtesy of Herbold Meckesheim
Birch Plastics recently completed GreenCircle certification of the company’s PP and HDPE recycled resins. | Courtesy of Birch Plastics
Texas-based Birch Plastics recently worked with a third-party auditor to verify its recycling process, a step more reclaimers and compounders are considering as end users look for certainty in their feedstock.