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Tag Archives: brand owners

MacArthur Foundation: Coca-Cola and others boost PCR use

Published: November 17, 2021

Unilever company logo on building in Warsaw, Poland.

Unilever reported a 6-percentage-point increase in its post-consumer resin usage in 2020, outpacing most other large brand owners. | Konektus Photo/Shutterstock

Global packaged goods companies disclosed their post-consumer resin usage for 2020, and most of the biggies reported purchasing more recycled plastic than the year before.

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TerraCycle and brands settle California labeling lawsuit

Published: November 17, 2021

Legal theme with court gavel and bookshelves in background.

Per a court settlement, TerraCycle will implement label changes and a supply chain certification program. | Sebastian Duda/Shutterstock

A legal action alleging TerraCycle is misleading consumers about its recycling programs has been settled. TerraCycle CEO Tom Szaky said some of the settlement terms cover work the company was already carrying out internally, but one labeling change is new.

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NOVA and film producer increase post-consumer resin use

Published: November 3, 2021

Nova Chemicals line of PCR.

NOVA Chemicals noted that rising demand for recycled resin is tied to consumer buying preferences. | Courtesy of NOVA Chemicals

NOVA Chemicals is expanding its PCR business to produce resin made with more recycled plastic, which will be supplied to Charter Next Generation for use in a range of non-food flexible film applications.

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Trex to spend $400 million on third PE recycling plant

Published: October 27, 2021

Closeup of Trex composite flooring installed in a restaurant.

Trex will invest $400 million over five years in a recycling and production site at the Port of Little Rock. | Courtesy of Trex

Already the largest scrap film recycler in the U.S., Trex is set to build a large polyethylene recycling and composite lumber production campus in Little Rock, Ark.

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California data shows PCR backsliding among major brands

Published: September 29, 2021

PET water bottle necks.

Data from California shows some major beverage producers used lower percentages of post-consumer resin in 2020 than they did in 2019. | tezzstock / Shutterstock

The clock is ticking on California’s law mandating recycled plastic in drink bottles, and some beverage producers still have a long way to go, newly released data reveals.

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Judge ends Greenpeace’s labeling suit against Walmart

Published: September 22, 2021

Walmart logo on shopping cart in store.

A U.S. District Court judge ruled that Greenpeace lacked standing to sue the world’s largest retailer over recyclability labeling in California. | Harun Ozmen / Shutterstock

A California court has dismissed a legal complaint Greenpeace brought against Walmart, ruling that the activist group itself was not deceived by labels indicating the corporation’s plastic packaging is recyclable.

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Greenpeace: Recycling used as plastic industry ‘smokescreen’

Published: September 15, 2021

Greenpeace website logo on screen under magnifying glass.

Greenpeace framed a new report as an examination of how packaging stakeholders and others have failed to reduce their reliance on single-use plastic. | SergioVas / Shutterstock

A report this week from environmental group Greenpeace takes brand owners and industry groups to task for promoting recycling as the primary solution to plastic waste issues.

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