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Firm moves brands’ dollars into collection infrastructure

Published: August 31, 2022

RePurpose Global workers recycling plastics.

RePurpose Global is currently working with over 250 businesses around the world to reduce their plastic impacts through an offset credit system. | Courtesy of RePurpose Global

The majority of Fortune 500 companies are not on track to achieve their packaging sustainability commitments, a reflection of the gap between goals and on-the-ground impacts, Peter Wang Hjemdahl said.

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Amendments to Calif. bottle expansion bill bring big changes

Published: August 31, 2022

Plastic bottles collected in a plastic bag for recycling.

Amended bill text would require beverage retailers to accept containers or join a dealer cooperative.  | Glenn Highcove/Shuttestock

Last-minute amendments to California bottle bill expansion legislation would remove the daily fee opt-out for retailers and instead require them to either accept containers or join a dealer cooperative to coordinate collection, along with several other changes.

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Niagara Bottling victorious in PET recycling lawsuit

Published: August 24, 2022

Niagara Bottling sign at company bottling plant.

A judge determined the key issue was the availability of recycling programs, not whether bottles are made into new items. | Jonathan Weiss/Shutterstock

If a bottled water label and cap are effectively unrecyclable, and if statistics show a majority of PET bottles are ultimately wasted, can the containers still be labeled as “100% recyclable”? A federal judge recently said yes.

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End users react to turbulent recycled plastic prices

Published: August 24, 2022

Stacked bales of PET for recycling.

Recovered plastic end users Unifi and Greystone Logistics reported on increased profits recently. | Warut Chinsai/Shutterstock

Greystone Logistics is installing shredding and pelletizing equipment so it can purchase more lower-cost scrap polyethylene, as opposed to recycled resin. And Unifi is opportunistically buying PET bottle bales while it works to pass feedstock cost increases on to buyers of its recycled polyester.

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Amazon upped recycled content, reduced packaging in 2021

Published: August 24, 2022

Amazon warehouse with Chicago skyline in distance.

Amazon recently noted it has on-site plastic film recycling systems at facilities across North America and Europe. | Bret Habura/Shutterstock

Amazon has eliminated more than 1.5 million tons of packaging since 2015 and created programs to increase recycling and diversion, according to its latest sustainability report.

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Project points to potential in partial PET depolymerization

Published: August 24, 2022

Ocean plastics-Rich Carey-Shutterstock

Researchers found success with partial depolymerization of virgin PET and PET bottles recovered from the sea. | Rich Carey/Shutterstock

A chemical recycling research project concluded that a partial depolymerization technique can break down scrap PET in a relatively short time and under mild conditions with little energy use.

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Industry group launches project to gather data, share solutions

Published: August 24, 2022

Putting bottle into recycling bin.

A new effort from industry group The Recycling Partnership aims to assess and change behavior. | Air Images/Shutterstock

Recycling doesn’t work unless people can put material into the stream, so The Recycling Partnership is expanding its efforts to both understand and change consumer behavior at the bin.
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