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Investment enables growth for PET-focused Reterra

Published: March 4, 2020


The Closed Loop Partners investment will finance Reterra’s move into its recently acquired facility and will help fund equipment purchases. | Natee Meepian/Shutterstock

Closed Loop Partners will invest $2 million in a Houston chemical recycling company that processes PET residue generated by mechanical recycling operations.

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Our top stories from March 2020

Published: April 1, 2020

Inside the Direct Pack facility

News that packaging manufacturer Direct Pack has acquired a Mexico-headquartered recycling operation drew attention last month. | Courtesy of Direct Pack.

Industry impacts from the coronavirus outbreak, funding opportunities and thermoform processing drew readers’ attention last month.
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APR and ACC both look to verify recycled content

Published: April 1, 2020

A vial of plastic resins emptied onto a black surface.

The Association of Plastic Recyclers will endorse third-party PCR certification and the American Chemistry Council released principles for mass balance accounting of recycled content. | Praethip Docekalova/Shutterstock

Consumers may want products with recycled plastic, but how can they trust the items contain post-consumer material? Two industry groups have taken steps to answer that question.

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Bag ban signed into law in the Evergreen State

Published: April 1, 2020

Plastic grocery bags on a tile floor.

The new law prohibits stores from giving out single-use bags and places an 8-cent fee on paper or reusable plastic bags. | Natalie Board/Shutterstock

Washington state will ban thin plastic bags and require thicker film bags to be made with post-consumer plastic.

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Country lockdowns bring ‘unprecedented implications’

Published: April 1, 2020

Container ship unloading at port.

Regulatory changes, and an overall sense of uncertainty, are playing into difficulty moving scrap materials abroad. | 28 November Studio/Shutterstock

Overseas markets for recovered plastic, including Malaysia and India, are experiencing disruption as governments enact widespread restrictions and close ports in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

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CARE says it will help out struggling carpet recyclers

Published: April 1, 2020

Old carpet pieces rolled up for recycling.

Carpet America Recovery Effort (CARE) will boost subsidies to help keep California carpet recycling companies afloat. | ND700/Shutterstock

A stewardship group is boosting subsidies for California’s carpet recycling companies, which have been hit with a double whammy of coronavirus impacts and low virgin plastic prices.

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