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Pressure mounts before fourth UN treaty meeting

Published: April 17, 2024


The fourth United Nations Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee meeting will be held in Ottawa, Canada, April 21-30. | Nexus 7/Shutterstock

The penultimate meeting to draft a global plastic pollution treaty will kick off next week in Ottawa, Canada, and stakeholders say there’s a lot riding on this fourth meeting.  Continue Reading

Oregon deposit system estimates 90.5% return rate

Published: April 17, 2024


Oregon Beverage Recycling Cooperative redeemed 2.09 billion containers in 2023, up from 2.05 billion containers in 2022. | Dan Leif/Resource Recycling

An Oregon beverage stewardship group that manages the oldest container deposit program in the country reported a preliminary 2023 redemption rate of 90.5%, the first time the program has topped 90% since 2019.

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LyondellBasell reduced pellet loss, invested in expansion

Published: April 17, 2024


LyondellBasell produced and marketed 123,000 metric tons of recycled and renewable-based polymers in 2023. Its goal is to produce and market 2 million metric tons by 2023. | JHVEPhoto/Shutterstock

LyondellBasell worked to expand its line of recycled polymers and reduced the amount of plastic pellets lost into the environment slightly in 2023, its latest sustainability report noted.  Continue Reading

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Circular Action Alliance submits EPR plan in Oregon

Published: April 10, 2024


An initial extended producer responsibility for packaging plan in Oregon covers the years 2025 through 2027. | Yanqiang Dai/Shutterstock

The shape of Oregon’s extended producer responsibility for packaging plan is becoming clearer after the Circular Action Alliance released its initial program plan to the state.  Continue Reading

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Berry Global increased recycled resin use in 2023

Published: April 10, 2024


In its 2023 Sustainability Report, Berry Global noted that it increased its post-consumer recycled resin purchases to 3.6% of all resin purchases, compared to 3.4% in 2022. | Artemis Diana/Shutterstock

Global packaging producer Berry Global used slightly more post-consumer resin in its products in 2023 and increased the amount of post-industrial resin and bioplastic it uses, reaching for 2025 and 2030 goalposts. Continue Reading

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Panelists: AI has a bigger role to play in recycling

Published: April 10, 2024


Panelist Rebecca Hu said during the session that AI is moving beyond robotics and the technology is on track to provide data and create partnerships that could improve the whole value chain. | Big Wave Productions/Resource Recycling

Artificial intelligence is a key element of increasing plastic recycling, panelists at the 2024 Plastics Recycling Conference in Grapevine, Texas, said last month. Continue Reading

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