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Environmental group takes aim at chemical recycling

Published: July 29, 2020

Scrap plastics baled for recycling.

Chemical recycling uses different processes to break plastics down into other chemicals, which can be used to make fuels, new plastics or many other products. | Vershinin89/Shutterstock

A report from activist organization GAIA claims processing strategies that have been heavily promoted by the polymer industry amount to a “greenwashing tactic” undermining efforts to ban single-use plastics.

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British Columbia expands EPR and bottle deposit systems

Published: July 29, 2020


Starting in 2023, “packaging-like” and “single-use” products will be added to British Columbia’s producer-managed recycling program. | Tudoran Andrei/Shutterstock 

Canada’s third-largest province has approved a number of changes to its extended producer responsibility and container deposit programs.  Continue Reading

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Largest shipping company won’t take plastics to Hong Kong

Published: July 29, 2020

Maersk shipping container on a ship at sea.

Shipping giant Maersk announced as of Sept. 1, 2020 it will no longer take scrap material shipments to China. | Mariusz Bugno/Shutterstock

Citing China’s upcoming legislation that will ban all “solid waste” imports, APM-Maersk this month announced it will stop shipping virtually all recovered materials to China and Hong Kong in the coming weeks.

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PP purification company draws more investors

Published: July 29, 2020

Business meeting with documents on a table.

PureCycle submitted a July 14 filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) indicating investors had purchased $1.45 million in equity securities in the company. | Freedomz/Shutterstock

PP recycling startup PureCycle Technologies recently raised $1.45 million in investments, financial filings show. Meanwhile, an acquisition-focused company continues to eye PureCycle.

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Industry veteran shares insights on markets and her new venture

Published: July 22, 2020


Industry veteran Tamsin Ettefagh recently left HDPE reclaimer Envision Plastics.Brian Adams Photo / Plastics Recycling Conference and Trade Show.

Tamsin Ettefagh, who has helped lead a couple of the largest plastics recycling companies in North America, has embarked on a new consulting venture.

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Groups weigh in on federal recycled-product purchasing

Published: July 22, 2020

plastic crates

Industry groups want the federal government to add a variety of recycled-plastic products into federal procurement guidelines. | Suttipong Prangsuwan/Shutterstock

As the U.S. EPA updates its lists of recycled-content products purchased by federal agencies, plastics recycling stakeholders are making their voices heard.

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WM and Waste Connections open up on collection shifts

Published: July 15, 2020

Waste Connections recycling collection truck unloads material at the Balcones MRF in Austin, Texas.

A leader with Waste Connections said that his company has seen increased collection volumes during the COVID-19 pandemic. | Resource Recycling file photo.

Two large publicly held waste and recycling companies are taking in higher residential volumes during the COVID-19 pandemic, but they say contamination has been flat. Recently, they’ve also started seeing critical upticks on the commercial side.

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How a packaging firm ensured its PET canister’s recyclability

Published: July 15, 2020

SmartCAN from Ring Container Technologies

Ring Container Technologies began exploring and developing a PET canister to replace traditional composite can formats early in 2017. The first SmartCANs were shipped in June 2018. | Courtesy of Ring Container Technologies.

Ring Container Technologies wanted to understand the curbside recyclability of an all-PET container versus its existing polycoated paperboard canister. So it asked recycling programs themselves.

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