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Carpet producers to end voluntary recycling subsidies

Published: April 29, 2020


The carpet recycling industry is already facing pressures from low plastics prices, a shift in polymers used in carpet and collection challenges from the coronavirus. | ND700/Shutterstock

Carpet manufacturers are halting their nationwide voluntary subsidy program for carpet recycling, which could push some struggling processors out of business.

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Circulate Capital ready to invest millions in Asia

Published: December 18, 2019


Circulate Capital’s April Crow (center) at the 2019 Resource Recycling Conference and Trade Show, held in August in New Orleans. | Resource Recycling, Inc./Brian Adams Photography

An ocean plastics prevention fund has $106 million in hand and is gearing up to announce its first investments in Southeast Asian waste management infrastructure.

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Some recycling firms score paycheck loans; others strike out

Published: April 22, 2020


The $349 billion in initial funding for the Paycheck Protection Program ran out within two weeks. | NIKCOA/Shutterstock

Reclaimers and other processors across the country are looking to a federal assistance program to help them overcome cash-flow problems sparked by the coronavirus. Some have been successful, but others are running into banking complexities and tapped-out funding.

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How much recycled plastic do California bottlers use?

Published: April 22, 2020


More companies reported selling plastic bottles in California in 2019 compared to the prior year, but so far, slightly fewer said they used recycled plastic. | tezzstock/Shutterstock

Beverage container producers have reported their recycled plastic use in California for 2019. Out of 64 manufacturers, 13 companies said they used recycled plastic.

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COVID-19 damages supply chain for deposit plastic

Published: April 15, 2020


Eight out of the 10 states with container redemption systems have enacted temporary measures limiting deposit returns in some way. | Karolis Kavolelis/Shutterstock

Stay-at-home orders are hitting container deposit systems hard, leading to significant declines in the volumes of high-quality PET and other recyclables moving to material processors.

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Expect more PET recycling investments from Indorama

Published: April 15, 2020


Indorama noted the company’s investments in recycling are influenced by the fact numerous brand owners are committing to incorporate more recycled plastic in their products. | barbacane/Shutterstock

Resin giant Indorama Ventures will more than triple its global RPET production capacity in the next few years, according to the company’s most recent annual report.

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Amid pandemic, sorting facilities face worker safety challenges

Published: April 8, 2020


MRF executives have noted staffing and procedural changes to deal with the coronavirus.

As the coronavirus continues to spread, recycling facilities are increasing distance between employees, sanitizing common areas and, in at least one case, halting the practice of punching in and out on a time clock.

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COVID-19 fallout prompts veto of recycled-content bill

Published: April 8, 2020

Wash. Governor Jay Inslee.

Gov. Jay Inslee vetoed House Bill 2722, which requires manufacturers to use post-consumer content in plastic bottles. | Photo credit: Governor Inslee’s Office

Washington’s governor vetoed a bill mandating recycled content in beverage containers, citing concerns about the state’s fiscal future given the economic impacts of the coronavirus.

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Packaging maker to recycle thermoforms into new products

Published: March 4, 2020


Direct Pack has acquired a Mexico-headquartered recycling operation with capacity to process 40 million pounds per year of PET. | Courtesy of Direct Pack.

U.S. plastic thermoform manufacturer Direct Pack Inc. has acquired a PET reclaimer and is now processing recovered thermoforms at a Mexico site.

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