More ocean-bound plastics will be recycled in Michigan after Padnos decided to expand its plastics recycling plant, a $6.6 million project.
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More ocean-bound plastics will be recycled in Michigan after Padnos decided to expand its plastics recycling plant, a $6.6 million project.
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Over the past year, the recycling policy discussion nationwide has focused mainly on proposals that force producers to pay for packaging recovery. But significant activity around container deposits is also taking place, particularly in the Northeast.
The U.S. Plastics Pact says PS and PVC packaging and other materials should be phased out in coming years. A curbside recycling operator called the potential elimination of PVC and PS packaging “two really big steps in the right direction,” though several groups criticized the Pact’s work. Continue Reading
A partnership involving Circulate Capital, Bantam Materials and an Indonesian processor will help to recover PET from remote areas of the Asian nation and deliver it to grocery store shelves in Europe and America.
Procter & Gamble, Danone, L’Oréal and other global brand owners have signed letters of intent to buy chemically recycled resin from a $1 billion plant Eastman is planning in France.
Prices for scrap PET containers increased by about 10% this month, and the decline in natural HDPE values leveled off.
Recycled-content laws are a tool for driving post-consumer resin demand. But what if producers are given too many outs, feedstock is in short supply, or the mandates actually result in greater environmental harm?
New Jersey lawmakers approved legislation mandating recycled plastic be used in rigid containers, carryout bags and trash bags. Meanwhile, a West Coast advisory committee has recommended recycled-content requirements for plastic tubs, thermoforms and cups.
Keurig Canada will pay millions of dollars in penalties and alter its coffee pod recyclability claims, as part of a legal settlement with Canadian regulators.
As the plastics recycling industry plunges into 2022, it can be useful to set the stage with a look at the biggest trends and developments of the past 12 months.