San Francisco has approved a wide-ranging ban on expanded polystyrene products.
San Francisco has approved a wide-ranging ban on expanded polystyrene products.
Imagine a lump of sugar dissolving in coffee – Solenne Brouard uses that image to describe the first step in her company’s expanded polystyrene recycling process. Continue Reading
A Quebec company using essential oils to prepare polystyrene foam for recycling has raised millions of dollars to build a bigger plant.
Scientific developments that could open up a market for recycled EPS came not from chemists in academia or a large corporation. Instead, the breakthroughs were developed by three dedicated 14-year-olds in 8th grade in Columbus, Ohio.
EPS packaging will be replaced by fiber-based alternatives for Ikea’s ready-to-assemble furniture. While the retailer cites environmental friendliness as its goal with the change, not everyone is thrilled to hear the news. Continue Reading
Adding a thermal densifying unit helped improve the economics of expanded polystyrene recycling in Cochrane, Alberta. It increased the density and ability to ship, improving marketability.
Maryland lawmakers are holding hearings on legislation that bans expanded polystyrene food-service products and packing peanuts in the state. Continue Reading
Two Indiana recycling companies have received state grants to expand recovery programs for what are often considered hard-to-recycle plastic materials.
More foam polystyrene collection centers are opening in the U.S., and a clothing company introduces a new line made from recycled ocean plastics.