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Some cities restart recycling as cuts continue elsewhere

Published: April 29, 2020


Several weeks after suspending recycling programs, some city officials have reinstated service. | Sundry Photography/Shutterstock

A handful of municipalities have reinstated curbside recycling programs that were suspended due to the coronavirus. Still, dozens of others that curtailed service remain shut down.

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Carpet producers to end voluntary recycling subsidies

Published: April 29, 2020


The carpet recycling industry is already facing pressures from low plastics prices, a shift in polymers used in carpet and collection challenges from the coronavirus. | ND700/Shutterstock

Carpet manufacturers are halting their nationwide voluntary subsidy program for carpet recycling, which could push some struggling processors out of business.

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Company launches platform to improve plastics markets

Published: April 29, 2020


The new Recycling Market Development Platform will highlight companies and connect people with tools and information related to recycling. | TippaPatt/Shutterstock

More Recycling and the American Chemistry Council (ACC) this month announced the Recycling Market Development Platform, a website offering information on recycling and material use to stakeholders throughout the recycling value chain.

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Ocean plastics venture announces first investments

Published: April 29, 2020


Circulate Capital announced $6 million in funding to recycling companies to prevent marine debris. | Igor Batenev/Shutterstock

Circulate Capital invested $6 million in plastics recycling companies in India and Indonesia, the brand-backed firm’s first outlay designed to prevent marine plastics.

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