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Author Archives: Jared Paben

About Jared Paben

Jared Paben Associate Editor Jared Paben has worked for Resource Recycling since December 2014. Most of his earlier career was spent as a reporter for the daily newspaper in Bellingham, Wash., but he also has experience working for the Oregon volunteerism commission and for Oregon nonprofits serving low-income populations. He can be contacted at [email protected].

California dangles cash carrot for cleaner PET bales, but few bite

Published: October 18, 2022

PET bale for recycling.

California’s plastic quality incentive payment (QIP) program offers $180 per ton for clean PET bales. | MarieKaz/Shutterstock

California last year started a unique program of providing cash payments to materials recovery facilities that produce ultra-clean PET bottle bales. Recently released data suggest the payments aren’t juicy enough morsels. 

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ExxonMobil explains its plans to scale up chemical recycling

Published: October 11, 2022

ExxonMobil company sign outside a company facility in Texas.

ExxonMobil recently disclosed some details about the company’s chemical recycling plans. | JHVEPhoto/Shutterstock

A sustainability executive at ExxonMobil recently laid out details on the energy giant’s multifaceted strategy around chemical recycling, and it’s clear hopes are high.

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KW Plastics strikes deal to send residue to pyrolysis

Published: October 4, 2022

Shredded plastics for recycling.

An agreement between KW Plastics and Clean Planet Energy will allow for the chemical recycling of up to 20,000 tons of plastic that would otherwise go to landfill. | mstfcn/Shutterstock

One of the largest polyolefins reclaimers in North America struck a deal to send its residuals into a chemical recycling process, creating feedstock for new plastic or fuels.

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Judge dismisses claims against 7-Eleven’s recyclable labels

Published: October 4, 2022

7-Eleven store exterior with pedestrians.

7-Eleven faces a lawsuit challenging recyclability claims on the company’s “24/7” brand foam plates, cups and freezer bags. | Sorbis/Shuttertstock

Brand owners can label plastic products as recyclable even if local residential recycling programs don’t want them, because reasonable consumers wouldn’t assume the word “recyclable” means there are local facilities that accept the material, a federal judge decided.

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‘Underperforming’ film, mixed rigids recycling plant to close

Published: September 28, 2022

Shredded material at PreZero's S.C. facility

Scrap plastics being recycled at PreZero’s Westminster, S.C. facility, which is slated to be closed over the next two months. | Courtesy of PreZero

PreZero US will shutter its South Carolina plastics recycling facility and will instead refocus on expanding its recycling capabilities in California.

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Global roundup: New facilities, pollution-reduction partnerships

Published: September 28, 2022

Globe resting on newspaper.

A number of plastic recycling announcements have been made around the world in recent weeks. | sukiyaki/Shutterstock

From France to Kenya to Thailand, a number of companies are building new facilities, cleaning up waterways and keeping an eye on working conditions. Here’s a roundup of some recent global plastic news. 

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Energy crisis threatens European plastics reclaimers

Published: September 28, 2022

Yellow gas pipelines

Energy prices are surging in Europe due to multiple factors, including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. | MVelishchuk/Shutterstock

The European energy crisis has driven electricity prices up to 70% of plastics reclaimers’ operating expenses, and without help, they may have to close, according to an industry group. 

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WM agrees to acquire controlling interest in Avangard Innovative

Published: September 14, 2022

Avangard's Waller, Texas facility seen from above.

Waste Management reached a deal to acquire a controlling stake in Avangard’s U.S. film recycling business. | Courtesy of Avangard Innovative

The largest curbside garbage and recycling hauler in North America will acquire and scale up Avangard Innovative’s U.S. plastics recycling business.

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