Pharmacies generate an abundant supply of clean, white HDPE that more often than not goes straight into the waste stream. The Association of Plastic Recyclers is looking to change that.
Pharmacies generate an abundant supply of clean, white HDPE that more often than not goes straight into the waste stream. The Association of Plastic Recyclers is looking to change that.
Two Indiana recycling companies have received state grants to expand recovery programs for what are often considered hard-to-recycle plastic materials.
EPS packaging will be replaced by fiber-based alternatives for Ikea’s ready-to-assemble furniture. While the retailer cites environmental friendliness as its goal with the change, not everyone is thrilled to hear the news. Continue Reading
Avangard Innovative, which for years has managed commercial recycling streams and sold scrap to manufacturers, is gearing up to play a larger role in resin production.
Canadian HDPE recovery offset decreased recycling of other resins in 2015, according to a recent report, giving overall plastic packaging recycling a net increase for the year.
Plastic film recycling reached a new high in 2015, but less rigid plastic was recycled than in years prior, according to the American Chemistry Council. The group released two market reports at the Plastics Recycling 2017 conference this week.
China’s three-month-old import action has stalled shipments of some recovered plastics from the U.S. and led to substantial import fee increases.
Nestle Waters North America will invest $6 million into the Closed Loop Fund, adding to the pool of money used to finance recycling infrastructure projects nationwide.
Avangard Innovative is continuing its efforts to optimize plastics recycling streams with the assistance of new technology, and the results are playing into bale price negotiations.
With the frequency of container deposit-related legislation, advocates often look to other states for examples of what to expect when a new law is proposed, and there’s no shortage of states to refer to.