An agricultural plastics collection company has expanded substantially in the past year, opening a processing facility in California and growing its collection volumes across the Midwest.
An agricultural plastics collection company has expanded substantially in the past year, opening a processing facility in California and growing its collection volumes across the Midwest.
China has ratcheted up inspection requirements for recyclables imported from the U.S., requiring every load to be opened for inspection and shutting down the only organization providing pre-shipment approval in the U.S.
Swedish apparel giant H&M last year saw a notable drop in its consumption of recovered PET for polyester applications. But the company did report progress on marine debris, depolymerization and other initiatives.
QRS Recycling has sold its large Kentucky materials recovery facility, leaving the company with one plastic recovery facility and a stake in a manufacturing operation.
Adding recovered plastics to biomass in a gasification process can increase the quality and volume of the end product, according to an industry-funded study.
China plans to prohibit imports of post-industrial scrap plastic by the end of the year, according to documents published by the country’s environmental department.
New York’s governor has introduced legislation prohibiting retailers from providing plastic shopping bags to customers at point-of-sale.
China has issued its latest round of import permits for scrap materials, and approved volumes remain particularly low on the plastics side.
Many recycling associations are preparing for their biggest gatherings of the year, and three group leaders recently explained how China-related market disruptions will be tackled at their events.
Trade tensions between the U.S. and China have come closer to directly impacting the plastics recycling industry.