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Tag Archives: research

UN research digs into e-scrap impacts of COVID-19

Published: June 24, 2021


A United Nations University study found e-scrap generation fell during the pandemic, but the decrease varied by region. | chistoprudov dmitriy / Shutterstock

COVID-19 caused global consumption of electronics and electrical appliances to fall by about 6.4%, which likely means the planet will witness a dip in e-scrap generation, according to new report estimates.

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White House links e-scrap to ‘resilient supply chains’

Published: June 24, 2021

Scrap hard drives for recycling.

A White House report emphasizes the importance of recycling in supplying the country with rare earth elements. | kazu326 / Shutterstock

The federal government should encourage design for recyclability in consumer electronics and support technologies that recover rare earth magnets from hard drives, according to a report from the Biden administration.

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Informal e-scrap sector poses a ‘growing health threat’

Published: June 17, 2021

Closeup of a circuit board.

The World Health Organization’s report noted more than 1,000 harmful substances can be released during informal processing of e-scrap. | Chaikom / Shutterstock

The World Health Organization recently examined the health risks associated with informal e-scrap processing, particularly the dangers for children and expecting mothers. The report calls for “binding action” by e-scrap exporters and other stakeholders to ensure proper management.

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Rating system gauges ITAD vendor reputation

Published: May 13, 2021

Computer user with a ranking system on screen.

Companies are graded on a scale of 1 to 10 for each attribute, with 10 being extraordinary and 1 being extremely poor. | Thapana Onphalai / Shutterstock

Research firm Compliance Standards this week began publishing company ratings based on customer reviews of the biggest ITAD players in the marketplace. The organization will release multiple reviews per week through the end of August.

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EPA considers factoring devices into US recycling rate

Published: April 22, 2021

Electronics collected for recycling in a bin.

Electronics recycling and repair advocates provided comments to the EPA as the agency considers changing what counts toward the national recycling rate. | / Shutterstock

If electronics are repaired, refurbished or remanufactured, should their weight be counted in the U.S. recycling rate?

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Experts talk impact of material exports to Africa

Published: February 11, 2021

Map with a pin in Ghana.

Researchers delved into the question of exactly what is actually happening on the ground with electronics shipments to Africa. | Wead/Shutterstock

During a recent panel discussion, an e-scrap researcher and a journalist described the consequences of exporting electronics to developing nations. They also discussed how much of that material is reusable and how much is truly waste.

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Cascade survey shows pandemic’s ITAD impact

Published: January 21, 2021

Home office scene with laptop, webcam and headphones.

In the survey, 40% of Cascade’s clients indicated they slightly or greatly reduced their IT equipment disposal activities in 2020. | Vorontsova Alena/Shutterstock

The coronavirus forced many organizations to sideline IT refresh projects in 2020, but enterprise representatives say they expect to get back into the asset disposition game in 2021.

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Mapping out the recycling firms that received PPP funds

Published: December 17, 2020

Signing a business check.

The Small Business Administration recently disclosed detailed information on all recipients of Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funds through Nov. 24, 2020. | NIKCOA/Shutterstock

The federal government has released details on all Paycheck Protection Program loan recipients, allowing E-Scrap News to chart the money’s impact on the electronics recycling industry.

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