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Tag Archives: refurbishment/reuse

Microsoft publishes independent review of its repair policies

Published: May 5, 2022

Microsoft logo on company building.

An analysis showed that mail-in repair options should be encouraged because they generate fewer greenhouse gas emissions than having consumers individually drive to repair shops.| hans engbers/Shutterstock

Requiring consumers to drive to repair shops can completely negate the greenhouse gas benefits of repairing the devices, according to an analysis commissioned by one of the world’s biggest tech companies.

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Trade-in firm reports higher values for used phones

Published: April 20, 2022


Assurant reported that the average value of a traded-in iPhone in 2021 was up 17% from the year before. | Franz12/Shutterstock

Consumers are waiting longer to trade in old phones, but rising values meant that 2021 saw the highest amount of money Assurant has ever recorded going back to consumers, according to an annual report. Continue Reading

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Apple lays out details on its latest recycling automation

Published: April 20, 2022


Apple last year upgraded its Daisy robot to disassemble 23 different models of iPhone, up from 15 models. | Courtesy of Apple

Apple added to its recycling technology in 2021, upgrading some robots and rolling out a machine that can recover rare earth magnets that are typically destroyed in the shredding process. Continue Reading

Smartphone giant partners with iFixit on independent repair

Published: April 7, 2022

Samsung Galaxy S9 phones stacked on a surface.

Samsung will now offer genuine device parts, repair tools and step-by-step guides for Galaxy phones. | Leszek Kobusinski/Shutterstock

Global smartphone maker Samsung will now enable customers with Galaxy devices to repair the items themselves, using tools and parts from the company.

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EPC rolls out redeployment site near St. Louis

Published: March 24, 2022

Laptops collected for recycling

Nationwide, ITAD provider EPC processes over 100,000 units per month, with the new facility adding 5-10% of that to start. | MMilda/Shutterstock

ITAD provider EPC is opening a facility near its corporate headquarters to help companies leverage refurbished electronics, an increasingly important trend as the pandemic roils supply chains.

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Echo reports acquisitions and higher profits in 2021

Published: March 24, 2022

Echo Environmental site in Carrollton, Texas.

Echo Environmental is based in a massive processing facility in Carrollton, Texas, which is a suburb of Dallas. | Google Streetview

Strong commodity markets, a booming device resale business and a couple of acquisitions drove profitability for a group of southwestern U.S. electronics processors last year.

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