A leader at Metech Recycling envisions restructuring and reinvesting after taking the business private. Meanwhile, company representatives say they have resolved hazardous waste issues at Metech’s California facility.
A leader at Metech Recycling envisions restructuring and reinvesting after taking the business private. Meanwhile, company representatives say they have resolved hazardous waste issues at Metech’s California facility.
Aubrey Arain attaches an air sampling pump to an e-scrap worker to measure contaminants in the air he breathes.
Researchers from the University of Michigan are studying and finding ways to mitigate health risks from informal electronics recycling practices in Chile and Thailand.
Metech International will jettison its e-scrap recycling business, citing financial losses caused by hazardous waste compliance issues and other challenges.
An Indian wastepicker named Reema in her electric rickshaw, which she uses to collect e-scrap from local repair shops.
Policymakers across the globe recognize the need to engage informal workers in collecting, aggregating and dismantling electronics, given their significant role in managing most of the e-scrap in emerging economies.
A Hong Kong court fined four companies after authorities seized e-scrap imported from the U.S. and raided three electronics recycling sites.
Thai government leaders have taken steps to permanently ban the import of hundreds of types of end-of-life electronics.
Electronics and appliance recycling requirements now in effect in Hong Kong are boosting the amount of material processed by Alba Integrated Waste Solutions.
GPS trackers used in a United Nations-funded study showed Australian e-scrap was exported to Hong Kong, according to the Basel Action Network.
Global e-scrap flows have helped China dominate lithium-ion battery recycling but have hampered similar efforts in North America, according to a recently published report.
Asian governments continue to tighten their restrictions on imports of scrap material, including a temporary ban on plastic in Malaysia.