Schupan Electronics Recycling, a division of Schupan & Sons, Inc., is growing its processing line and has its eye on even more growth in the future.
Schupan Electronics Recycling, a division of Schupan & Sons, Inc., is growing its processing line and has its eye on even more growth in the future.
By the end of 2016, IMS Electronics Recycling will cut in half the number of processing facilities it operates.
Every day, nonprofit organizations around the country are refurbishing computers and donating many of them to underserved populations. Continue Reading
United Nations University has released a report on the problems associated with leaded glass from CRTs. The study specifically addresses disposal and recycling options and whether the leaded glass can replace raw materials.
Whenever Apple indicates a new product release, device-recovery firms join in on the wider consumer market chatter. But in the runup to this fall’s release of the next iPhone, the recycling and repair buzz – and anxiety – is even more charged than normal.
More details have emerged on PC Rebuilders & Recyclers’ bankruptcy case after a summary of the company’s assets and debts was filed in Illinois bankruptcy court this week.
Fearing a veto from the governor, Illinois stakeholders are attempting to iron out last-minute changes to legislation that would reshape the state’s e-scrap law by requiring manufacturers to fund recycling of all covered material collected through the program.
An environmental nonprofit group teams with iFixit to assess how electronics brands are doing when it comes to creating repairable products. And grant money is on the table for e-scrap collection efforts in one state.
Cal Micro Recycling of Ontario, Calif.; Eagle Secure Shredding & Doc Mgmt LLC of Tucker, Ga.; Midcon Data Services of Edmond, Okla.; Secured Document Shredding, Inc. of San Angelo, Texas; ShredQuick, Inc. of Bradenton, Fla.; ShredZero of Santa Fe Springs, Calif.; and The Shred Authority of Alsip, Ill. have either achieved or renewed their NAID certifications for physical destruction of hard drives.
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The market for refurbished electronic devices is growing and that means more players are entering the supply chain. With that can come more risk, not just for companies buying inventory to repair, but for everyone in the chain.